ferriten level 1800

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Offline kabir_love

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ferriten level 1800
« on: December 23, 2008, 11:47:24 AM »
please advice me my friends. now my son had done 11th blood trafusion.. yester  we did test so we got this iron level test
10th bt done - iron level 1800.
now i really dont have any exp. in this please adivce me what should i do!  any precuation or actions something... to do

bless all.



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Re: ferriten level 1800
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2008, 01:43:48 PM »
Hi Kabir Bro ,
as for as my knowledge ,
its time to start chelation , bcoze ferritin is got high ,... normaly there 3 criteria for starting chelation :
1) 2 years of Age
2) 20 Transfusions
3) iron level above 1000

an i think your son's condition is perfectly matched to 3rd option ....and i hope that his age will b also above 2 years ....  i dont know wat others have to say about it but my opinion is , its perfect time to start chelation ,please wait for the reply from experties like Andy annd other senior members .... take care buddy , wish you all the best of the luck for your son's treatment ..

Best Regards
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Offline Zaini

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Re: ferriten level 1800
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2008, 02:46:33 PM »
Hi Mickey,

How old is Kabir? I am sorry i am forgetting his age,i think you should start chelation now,1800 is enough ferritin to start chelation,you can either start desferal,or if he is above 2 years of age,you can start desirox.

Good luck with the chelation.



Offline maha

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Re: ferriten level 1800
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2008, 03:42:15 PM »
Hi Micky
There is no reason to panic. Talk to your doc and start chelation. Hassan has started chelation. He is on Asunra. So far he is doing fine on Asunra.
take care


Offline Sharmin

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Re: ferriten level 1800
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2008, 04:35:20 PM »

What were the last few ferritin numbers for your son?  If they were all in this range then it is a good idea to begin chelation.  Either desferal 3 days/week - 10 - 12 hrs/day, or begin with a small dose of Exjade.  Your child's doctor should start him at 20mg/kg and then increase him to 30mg/kg.   

If his ferritin has been in this range for a while then you should start chelation soon because iron builds up much faster than it is removed.

Best of luck and please keep us posted,



Offline Manal

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Re: ferriten level 1800
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2008, 05:40:05 PM »

What are the factors that affect the iron overload? I see that some children ( usually all children take one bag of blood) transfuse over 15 times and their ferritn is around the 1000 and others who only take 10 transfusions and the ferritn is nearly 2000 ???

Mickey, when you did the ferritn, was Kabir sick or had an infection cause infections increase serum ferritin??



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Re: ferriten level 1800
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2008, 08:32:31 PM »
 :agree to Manal & all others that's wat i want to explain in my last post in this thread:
its time to start chelation , bcoze ferritin is got high ,... normaly there 3 criteria for starting chelation :
1) 2 years of Age
2) 20 Transfusions
3) iron level above 1000

an i think your son's condition is perfectly matched to 3rd option ....and i hope that his age will b also above 2 years ....  i dont know wat others have to say about it but my opinion is , its perfect time to start chelation
his ferritin is high enough to start chelation, soo, i think that there is no reason to wait and to think more to start chelation , i talked about three criterias bcoze i wanted to say that, if your conditions matched to one of these 3 criterias of assesments to start chelation  , you may start chelation .... normaly its happened serial wise somthing like that ,when your child becomes above to the age of 2 years , his complete's his 20 times of transfusions,  after 20 times of Tx  your child'd SF rise above the 1000 ... .. i think thats why these 3 indications have setted tto start the chelation . but if your child's SF rose above the 1000 before the age of 2 ( which is quite impossible ) then i think you may start the  chelation ..

Wat I think is : the main reason to start chelation is the ferritin level ot the age or transfussions .... age and no# transfusions comes after SF level .... Age and no# of transfusion is added to this bcoze its only to asses that when to your child have to done a SF test ... its nothing related to the chelation ... if SF result show iron overload only then chelation should start . if SF result comes within the normal ranges , then there is no need of chelation ..... your son's SF is high soo i think you may start the chelation ...
its only wat i think's ..... and i m not an expert or doctor , soo please consult to your doctor before doing anything , and after discussing all this  wat has been discussed under this topic... ask to your doctor about all this, ask him to convince you in case if he dont agree with all this and then follow your doctor's advice ....

Andy and All other senior members , Please correct me if i m wrong, i wil b realy happy :)

Best Regards
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Offline Sharmin

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Re: ferriten level 1800
« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2008, 08:40:25 PM »

You are completely right bro :)

If ferritin levels are consistently high then chelation should begin.  Occasionally, ferritin levels can spike for other reasons - so one ferritin test is not always reliable, but if his ferritin levels show up at this level more than once then definitely he should chelate.  Once in a while ferritin levels may appear to be higher due to colds etc. 
For example if his ferritin was 600, 650, and then the next month 1800 - there is a chance that the spike is caused by another factor.  If however the ferritin has been 1000, 1400, 1600, 1800 - then likely the ferritin is indicating iron levels and it is time to chelate.



Offline Dori

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Re: ferriten level 1800
« Reply #8 on: December 24, 2008, 12:02:55 AM »

It's time to start with chelation when fe is above 1000. Though it really depends on your son's age and his previous ferritine lab results. The best thing you can do is making an appointment with your doctor. Don't be in panic. All will be new, but it will all be fine in the future. No worries, please

Best wishes from the Netherlands,



Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: ferriten level 1800
« Reply #9 on: December 24, 2008, 12:49:41 AM »

If he's two years old now he should start. In India you have both Asunra and Desirox available. They are both versions of the oral drug, Exjade. Desirox is the cheapest form, and is made by Cipla. Start out with just a low starter dose until he gets used to taking it. This will make it easier for him to accept a larger dose and also minimize the side effects one first gets when starting Exjade.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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