Mohanish and his transplant

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Offline Madhavi

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Mohanish and his transplant
« on: October 09, 2009, 04:21:12 PM »
Today we have admitted Mohanish to the hospital. Today he was in the general pediatrics ward due to inavailability of the beds in the BMT ward. Tomorrow morning he will be given a central line and shifted to that ward...
As of today he has had some infusion and blood tests and has had a 'XXX' hair cut...i.e. he has been shaved bald... :wink
He is a little uncomfortable at having restrictions due to the hospital set up but is coping ok with it. My husband Manoj is with him there. Mohanish hates the time when I tell him that I have to return home but I hopefully convince him enough!
We have my mom here to help with Masumi my daughter at home....
Nothing much to report today, but will try to keep you all posted about the happenings daily if you all do please...intended to write a lot and sort of maintain a diary in detail but it is really late in the night (read 12.20)and I have to be up by 5 maybe better write ups when I have time....
Love and luck to all...


Offline Lena

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Re: Mohanish and his transplant
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2009, 04:28:10 PM »
Dear Madhavi,

I wish you the best from the bottom of my heart!

Please keep us posted!

Good luck with everything,

« Last Edit: October 09, 2009, 04:56:49 PM by Lena »


Offline Sharmin

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Re: Mohanish and his transplant
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2009, 12:19:24 AM »

Wishing Mohanish and you the best of everything.  Please keep us posted, our thoughts and best wishes are with you at all times. 

hugs to Mohanish,



Offline Manal

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Re: Mohanish and his transplant
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2009, 01:47:31 AM »
Madhavi, :hugfriend

My heart is with you and Mo is in my prayers. I know this is a hard time but i am sure that you are strong and that soon you will celebrate his cure. Wish you all the best in every step and will be waitng for your update. Take care please :hugfriend :hugfriend :hugfriend



Offline Madhavi

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Re: Mohanish and his transplant
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2009, 05:53:07 AM »
Thank you for your wishes dear friends....
Today is day 2 and the day began with the insertion of the central see Mohanish go through it was something beyond words and hear him talk in his sedation is something best not described! But he recovered through it all after he was admitted into the special ward. Right now, he is not in isolation and shares the room with a little girl....He looked much better in the afternoon after I saw him through the glass and spoke to him over the intercom. Probably the fright of going through the procedure and the medication given alongwith had made him a little groggy... But I guess that was something unavoidable...and he has overcome it...
He has some of his toys to keep him company alongwith his dad :biggrin and also a television set(albeit playing Chinese channels! :rolleyes)He can eat home made food provided it is in microwavable boxes. So as of now I have the great duty of being the literal food provider!
It was a little tough at the start of the day today, but now am much better thanks to many but mostly Mohanish himself and his face and comfort! Somehow on my way home from the hospital I am always thinking about you all and sharing my day with you all :hugfriend
Will try to keep you all updated and hope that what I write does not bore you all...
Thanks for your makes a world of difference....
Love and luck to all...


Offline Lena

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Re: Mohanish and his transplant
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2009, 06:14:09 AM »

I think all of us are interested in your reports: the steps and the feelings you are going through and keep our fingers crossed that everything will turn out well. Time to be optimistic now and why not?

Our thoughts are with you,



Offline jade

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Re: Mohanish and his transplant
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2009, 07:27:15 AM »
Hi Madhavi

We are all with you in our heart though we cannot be there in person.  We wish you and Mohanish the best.  Keep us informed whenever it is possible for you to do so.

Take care


Offline Manal

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Re: Mohanish and his transplant
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2009, 11:29:27 AM »
and hope that what I write does not bore you all...

Madhavi, we are all egarly waiting for your update, i am praying for you all. He is a strong boy :biggrin and he will be just fine



Offline Sharmin

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Re: Mohanish and his transplant
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2009, 02:56:16 PM »

We all look forward to hearing your updates as our thoughts are also with Mohanish at this time.  It sounds like a lot happened today.  Each step seems to be preparing you for the next.  I hope that Mohanish comes though this with flying colors - smiling for his mama. 

Take good care,



Offline Madhavi

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Re: Mohanish and his transplant
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2009, 04:08:50 AM »
Day 3...reminds me of the time I had my exams during school and college days...the toughest part was to wait for them to begin...and then gladly the days just flew...!
He is in much better spirits than the time the central line was put almost seems like a distant memory already...he is doing quite well...and seeing him like that is really a good thing!
He has people calling him and speaking to him as also people meeting him...yesterday 3 of our friends met him and probably that helps us all cope too...And of course to add to it all he has all your wishes from the world over...
He is telling all that he is going to be stronger than us all and then save us from the 'bad men'!And after having Spiderman,Batman and even Scream masks at home, the new 'XXX' boy wants me to buy him the XXX mask!
And seeing the other parents who visit their kids in the other beds in that ward and interacting them helps me learn more about their experiences and it reminds me of you all all the more...that one seems like a BMT thalpal! :rotfl
Nothing much to report case there is I will try to write in after I come back from the hospital at night...
Will not thank you all for your love and support again and much can one hammer in a nail of gratitude anyways :rolleyes....
Love to all....
Love and luck to all...


Offline Zaini

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Re: Mohanish and his transplant
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2009, 07:18:54 AM »

I am so mad at myself i missed this post,my prayers are always with Mo and you,please keep updating us,i don't know if anyone has done that before,i mean posting through out the BMT,it will be a good thing for you to keep sharing and getting it off your chest and it will be good thing for us as we will know what exactly is going on and will be able to keep praying.

Please keep posting :hugfriend



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Re: Mohanish and his transplant
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2009, 10:09:49 AM »
My prayer with you and your family. Please keep us posted.



Offline Zaini

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Re: Mohanish and his transplant
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2009, 06:35:43 AM »
Hoping everything is ok :hugfriend



Offline Madhavi

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Re: Mohanish and his transplant
« Reply #13 on: October 12, 2009, 08:38:58 AM »
Day 4:
Nothing significant has happened since I wrote in yesterday...Mohanish is doing pretty well and his high spirits really make me drunk in courage and love :biggrin
Today I just got to know that maybe we may have to spend more than we anticipated and more than what Manoj had arranged for before he went in with spent the time till now(its 4.30pm) brooding and getting that into place.Fortunately we have a couple of very good friends who are going to help in in case of emergency and then we can pay them back later when Manoj can get the blocked money 'freed'!
In case there is any other change I will write in at night....will leave with their dinner in some time...
...yeah I got some instructions from the staff there today regarding the food...what was funny was that they thought we Indians eat curry all the time! It is called 'gali' here in Chinese and they told me not to give him that...I tried to get them to understand our diet and it was interesting! :rotfl..Actually it started in the morning when I was instructing the nurse in there about the way to serve them oats and cornflakes!
But I managed to convince them that I am giving him a balanced diet without too much of spices and salt....
Thats that for now.....
Love and luck to all...


Offline Zaini

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Re: Mohanish and his transplant
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2009, 04:33:49 AM »
Its good to hear that everything is going well till now,hopefully this trend will continue in the futire too :hugfriend please keep updating.



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