reduced intensity bone marrow transplant

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Offline Syaida Lee

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reduced intensity bone marrow transplant
« on: January 05, 2011, 03:14:38 AM »
Recently, my husband, me and all 4 kids went for HLA checks to find out which of Adel's siblings is a match for him in NUH Singapore. We were pleasantly surprised that 2 of my other 3 kids ie. my 6 yr old girl and my 13 yr old boy are both perfect match for him.
As Adel has chronic lung disease and pulmonary hypertension, he is not ready for a BMT perhaps until he is fitter, however I'm also mindful that he may never be as fit as a normal Beta-Thal child. I came across Dr. L. Krishnamurti of Pittsburg Children's Hospital, champion of reduced intensity bone marrow transplant from Thalpal. I am talking to transplant drs in Spore & Malaysia to maximise chances and less toxicity to Adel and would like to get in touch with Dr. Krishnamurti.
Problem is how should I go about? The drs here are very willing to work with him should he like to share his experience with them. Can anyone suggest how I should go about this? 


Offline EugenioLaMesa

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Re: reduced intensity bone marrow transplant
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2012, 08:52:11 AM »
The opinion of Dr. Sodani (our scientific coordinator) is that he doesn’t believe in reduced-intensity transplant,especially for very young children

You can read this statment in his FAQ:
Eugenio La Mesa
Co-founder and Chairman
Cure Thalassemia
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