Iron in Multivitamins

  • 6 Replies
Iron in Multivitamins
« on: June 13, 2010, 08:42:53 PM »
Is it ok for people with thalassemia beta minor to take multivitamins with iron in them?
Cause I ve read that people with thalassemia can suffer from iron overload due to their bodies attempt combat anemia by  producing more red blood cells (that contain iron).
So I am thinking that maybe its a good idea to avoid iron in multivitamins.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Iron in Multivitamins
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2010, 10:07:54 PM »
Thal minors can also be iron deficient, but unless that is shown by an iron panel, it is not recommended for minors to take iron. The lower the Hb level, the more your body will absorb iron from food, so it is best to avoid iron supplements unless needed.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Iron in Multivitamins
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2010, 04:58:15 AM »
Hi Andy,

How do you make sure you have a high hb level to avoid too much iron absorption.  My 20 yr old son has Thal beta minor and he has just been told that he has slight Iron overload. His hair is thining and he is very worried  He has to have a blood test for genetic hemotosis.  Can you help as the doctor has said that the hair loss and the thalassemia or overload is not connected.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Iron in Multivitamins
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2010, 10:47:07 PM »
There are many theories about hair loss and we have heard from many thal minors who have thinning hair, but no specific connection is known medically. I have never heard that iron overload causes hair loss and know many thal majors with high iron loads and heads full of hair. I think that there is some connection between thal minor and hair loss because we have heard from so many minors with thinning hair, but the exact cause is speculative. It may help to take a B complex supplement and zinc but this is mostly a guess. Vitamin D may also be a key to healthy hair, so if he doesn't get much sun, this may also need to be supplemented (2/3 of people tested are deficient for vitamin D).

Does anyone else have any advice on this topic? If you've seen my picture, you know I have no idea about growing hair.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Prets

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Re: Iron in Multivitamins
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2010, 11:43:44 AM »

First of all, Bald is really Beautiful.   :hugfriend

My (late) best friend was a very sweet bald old uncle, who was blessed with a curly ponytail towards the back! (Andy do you also have a ponytail that is not visible in the picture???   lol)     


I also suffered with hair thinning over many years. The possible causes according to me-

I get scalp folliculitis frequently, using a medicated shampoo for it, lessens the hair loss. it may have something to do with lowered immunity and anemia.

I have an oily scalp that causes hair loss - i attribute it to my hypothyroidism. before I was first diagnosed, my hair fell out in bunches.

I also get tiny bald patches on and off in the front, I am told it is an autoimmune issue?

People take hormones etc to grow hair - but it is NOT advisable if you ask me.

I wonder sometimes if evolution will eventually make everyone bald??    :-)  I mean is it really useful?  My hair actually makes me feel much warmer than it actually is. Gives me headaches when i tie it up high.

I think people with scanty hair to begin with - notice hairfall more severely than the others who have thick hair.
Evening primrose oil caps help some people with thyroid related hairfall - but there's no proof to it. It helps eczema too - perhaps it rids the scalp of skin-problems  related hair loss.

Biotin is another hair vitamin - but i've not seen results.
Symptomatic Beta Thal Minor.

Re: Iron in Multivitamins
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2010, 12:43:03 AM »
Thank you Andy and Preety for your advice.  I am dealing with a son that wants a quick fix.  We went to a dermatoligist and he prescribed Finestride 5mg split in quarters for six days a week(150mgs daily) which is for prostate problems.  Apparently the dermo says that this will stop a waste product that cause hair fall out in male pattern baldness.  But there's a catch to it he has to take it for the rest of his life if he wants to maintain his hair and it's only been around as treatment for about 10yrs.  My son is 20yrs old. I'm worried about the side effects to his fertility.  Can you or anyone shed some light on this as I don't want my son have have to deal with another problem down the track.  As well as taking this I have asked him to take a b complex and 1000IU Vitamin D3 each day.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Iron in Multivitamins
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2010, 01:57:27 AM »
You can see more about finasteride, Propecia, at and the side effects at They do point out that there are no "COMMON" side effects. However, there are serious side effects in some people. As always, it is good to be informed, so you and your son should read those articles.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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