The Carao Trial - How effective is it & who benefits most etc.

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Re: The Carao Trial - How effective is it & who benefits most etc.
« Reply #120 on: June 17, 2011, 05:48:01 AM »

my son does not want to use Hydroxyurea (Litaril). He was prescribed the drug 2 years ago and stopped using it. He is in the process of going into a regime of regular transfusions from now on. Would supplements still help?

I will try to get the numbers. What other numbers should be watched?

It appears to me that we have been very ignorant of my son s condition in the past (as long as it worked out with little side effects). People here now so much about about vitamin levels, Hb levels etc.  I feel so guilty to be so ignorant.


Re: The Carao Trial - How effective is it & who benefits most etc.
« Reply #121 on: June 20, 2011, 01:53:37 PM »
Hi Kitkat,

Wheatgrass tablets come in varying sizes, but are usually medium to large tabs. An alternative is the wheatgrass supsershots liquid. It's a little pricier than wheatgrass tabs but easy to take.

Thanks Andy! I will have to try that. I probably won't be able to swallow the wheatgrass pills, so the supershots might be better.


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