Thalassmia Minor

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Offline Kim151

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Thalassmia Minor
« on: April 10, 2011, 10:44:41 PM »
I have Thal Minor and everyday gets worse for me .. I have NO energy and I always want to just  sleep ... Is there anything I can take from the health fod store to help me with this ... Please help .. I'm desperate !!


Offline Sharmin

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Re: Thalassmia Minor
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2011, 11:02:34 PM »
Dear Kim,

Welcome to the board.  We are happy to have your here and hope that we can be helpful to you.  We can share our experience with you and let you know what has worked for us.  Most importantly, we can relate and it is a great place to vent among people who truly understand.

You may find this post helpful with regards to supplements.,118.0.html

I believe diet and exercise have a significant impact on well being for thalassemia.  You should also consider short durations of weight bearing exercise. 




Offline Sharmin

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Re: Thalassmia Minor
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2011, 04:06:46 PM »
Dear Kim,

 I would also recommend exploring your vitamin D levels.  Depleted vitamin D levels can exasperate the effects of thalassemia.  If you have had a chance to look through the diet and supplementation posts - you will will also have seen that several supplements can help with your anemia.  These supplements may or may not actually increase your red blood cells, but they should help with the quality and efficiency of red blood cells that you do have.  They may also increase the longevity of the erythrocytes - which is sometimes a problem in thalassemia.  Many of the will also assist with the elasticity of the blood vessels - which will also be helpful to you.  Although we cannot eliminate anemia in thalassemia minor, fortunately our bodies accommodate to some extent and with supplementation we can maximize the potential of the hemoglobin that we do have. 

You may wish to look into wheat grass, folic acid, b complex vitamins, L-carnitine, vitamin e, vitamin d, resveratrol, IP6 and perhaps a multi which does not contain iron.  Eating a balanced meal - each meal containing green vegetables, protein and a complex carb will be very helpful in maintaining energy levels and sense of well being.  Making sure you eat every two or three hours to balance blood sugar will be helpful as well. 

I hope that this post was helpful to you, please feel free to ask any questions that you may have,




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