Do I have a thalassemia trait

  • 2 Replies
Do I have a thalassemia trait
« on: May 16, 2011, 06:30:56 AM »
Hi, I am really glad that I found this very useful forum.

I am a 23 years old wife and 3 months pregnant. My husbands family does have some members who have thalassemia trait, but my husband does not.  I did some blood tests and want to know if I am a thalassemia carrier.

 My Blood test results came as below :-

CBC blood test results:

WBC: 7.7
RBC: 4.66
Hb count:  11.9
Hematocrit: 36.5
MCV:  78
MCH: 25.6
MCHC: 32.7
RDW: 14.4

Hb-Electropherisis :-

Hgb Solubility:  Negative
Hgb A: 97.7
Hgb S: 0.0
Hgb C: 0.0
Hgb A2: 2.3
Hgb F: 0.0

I am not sure to interpret the results, the Hb-Electropherisis seem to be OK, but my MCV is low, and has always been this level.  Am I a thalassemia trait carrier?



Offline Andy Battaglia

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  • Will thal rule you or will you rule thal?
Re: Do I have a thalassemia trait
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2011, 10:51:15 PM »
Your red blood cell related numbers are all on the low end of normal to slightly below normal, and not unexpected during pregnancy. What is significant is an absence of fetal hemoglobin and a normal HbA2 level in your electrophoresis test. Nothing here looks like thal trait. One question I have is were there any comments on your report about microcytosis or monochromia? This describes the red cells themselves and if present, are indications of anemia and possible thal trait. If you see no notes about the size and shape of the RBCs being unusual, there is very little chance that you could be a thal carrier. I also want to make sure we are speaking of beta thal trait, as alpha thal trait is more difficult to diagnose. Hopefully, your doctor already has you taking folic acid daily.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Do I have a thalassemia trait
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2011, 09:31:52 PM »
Hi Andy,

Thanks a lot for your response, you made me feel comfortable.  Yes, I am already taking folic acid daily.   



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