Please Help

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Please Help
« on: August 22, 2011, 06:31:49 AM »
I am a new member here. I do not know whether I am in right place to write this or not.

But please help me. I need guidance.

My four and eight months son was ordered hemogram, TIBC and Hb electrophoresis. He had a mild anemia and was on iron supplement earlier. His Hb was in the range of 10-12 always though!! Sometimes when he was ill, we did hemogram and found that he had microcytic hypochromic RBC's, though not always. But his Hb was nearly normal and not significantly low.

So we got it done and below are the reports of the recent investigations. We gave the sample and all the tests were done on the same sample. he was not on the iron supplements recently.


Hb 11.9 (Range: 11.5-13)
RBC 4.54 (Range 4.5 to 5)
WBC 8400 (Range: 4000-10000)

Differential Count:
Neutorphils 43% (Range: 40-70)
Lymhocytes 50% (Range: 20-45) (He is recently recovered from amebiasis)
Eosinophils 6% (Range: 0-6)
Monocytes 1% (Range: 1-8)
Basophils 0% (Range: 0-1)

RBC Indices
HCT 35.6% (Range: 40-54)
MCV 78.4 (Range: 76-96)
MCH 26.2 (Range: 27-32)
MCHC 33.4 (Range: 32-36)
RDW-CV 13.2 (Range: 11.5-14.5)
Platelet Count 384000 (Range: 150000-450000)

Platelet Indices
MPV 7.8 (Range: 7.4-10.4)
PDW 8.8 (Range: 15.0-17.0)

Peripheral Smear Report
Platelet: Adequate
Parasites: Negative
WBC Morphology: Within normal limits
RBC Morphology: Normocytic Normochromic
Comment: Within normal limits

TIBC Report:
Iron 78 (Range: 35-150)
Total Iron Binding Capacity 325 (Range: 250-450)
% Saturation 24 (Range: 13-45)

Hemoglobin Electrophoresis Report:

HbA1 93.6% (Range: 94.3-98.5) (This is on a lower side)
HbA2 2.5% (Range: 1.5-3.7)
HbC 0.0% (Range: 0.0-0.0)
HbD 0.0% (Range: 0.0-0.0)
HbF 2.3% (Range: 0.0-2.0)
HbS 0.0% (Range: 0.0-0.0)
Unknown Unidentified Peak 1.7 (Range: 0.0-2.0)
Hemoglobin Variant Analysis: Mildly elevated HbF for the age of the patient. Significance?
Advice: Parental hemoglobin variant analysis, if clinically indicated.
Test Method(s): Hemoglobin variant analysis, Blood Hb Variant (HPLC)

I read a lot on the internet regarding Thalassemia and its different types. But,as I am not a doctor and do not correlate anything of the above clinically, I do not know what these reports mean?

Do you find anything significant with respect to the above tests and Hb electrophoresis?

Please help me. I am anxious.

Thank you very much for your valuable time reading this.



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