Results from Dr. Visit - 6 months preg.

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Offline ldominguez1022

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Results from Dr. Visit - 6 months preg.
« on: March 29, 2012, 12:09:43 PM »
Hey everyone,

Well I went to see my Hemo yesterday to see how the iron infusions took (I have beta minor and had low iron stores and low hemoglobin levels) and it turns out that my hemoglobin went from 9.4 to a 9.3 in a month. I did 5 iron infusions (2x a week after the first test was taken). The iron level in my blood didn't change either. It is still very low. P.S. - I'm 6 months pregnant.

My question is... If the iron infusions don't take, what are my other options?

(I asked the Hemo and his response was that it can take up to another month for my iron levels to adjust, so I am getting my blood drawn again in a month and he'll decide from there what to do). But I want to know what to expect. I'm trying to have a natural child birth and I need to have most of my arrangements in order.

Thanks in advance!



Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Results from Dr. Visit - 6 months preg.
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2012, 03:35:47 PM »
Keep in mind that there is a natural tendency for the Hb to drop during pregnancy for a thal minor, so maintaining your Hb level is actually a positive. I would say that the iron is helping even if your iron levels don't reflect change. Going by the multitude of reports I have seen during thal minor pregnancy, yours is proceeding nicely at the moment.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline ldominguez1022

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Re: Results from Dr. Visit - 6 months preg.
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2012, 03:37:27 PM »
Thanks Andy! I appreciate the response.

I'm so thankful for this forum!


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