Tonsilitis Again!!!!!

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Offline namitha

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Tonsilitis Again!!!!!
« on: October 18, 2006, 12:12:12 PM »

Just wanted to know how many of you have the tonsilitis problem. I am sick of it. I used to have it as a kid and it was fine for a while. Now when I am 27 it is back again with a BANG. I had some ice creams and my tonsils immediately got infected  :mad and not only that my ear is blocked and I have a severe ear pain  :wah. It's driving me crazy  :mad. The ENT doc has given me an antibiotic for a ear and tonsil infection and told me to stay away from cold stuff permanently  :wah I sure will considering the intensity of the maddening ear pain.

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Offline sahil

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Re: Tonsilitis Again!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2006, 04:19:36 PM »
Hey i have this problem too.....once i had just come from swimming and i had ice-cream and after that a cold-drink too n the next day when i got up somebody was waitin for me and it was TONSILITIS. ohhhhh man I had a tuff time shutting them. i had to take heavy doses of antibiotics. with these i also got Fever.....can imagine my state :huh.....!
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Re: Tonsilitis Again!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2006, 12:53:03 AM »
I used to get terrible cases of it all the time as a kid. As a young adult, it seemed that I would get it if I ate too much sugar.  Even now, I get a sore throat from sugar. Sorry to hear that  you guys get tonsilitis, too. Jean


Offline namitha

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Re: Tonsilitis Again!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2006, 11:28:49 AM »

I am having a tough time with severe earache and blocks. Don't be sorry Jean it is the way of things for thals  :mad. Take care Sahil and Jean.


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Re: Tonsilitis Again!!!!!
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2006, 04:05:49 AM »
                   hi all
i think it's comon cold spicially this time OCTOBER AND NOVEMBER  it's not big deal come on guys don't be child  :biggrin as i said to our BIG BROTHER  when he had flue .. i have good prescribtion  in the morning when you open your eyes go to the kitchen and have one whole onion and eat it ... belive me as the PpL ran away from your smill the viruse also will ran a way from your body  :rotfl
   (am just joking) any way for me i have every morning one small pice of carlic NO CHOWING just swalow it with water and after 15 minute have your normal breakfast but you have to poke it it's good for the blood and also clean the body from some viruse and a bout the onion i remeber my grand father when he have flue he never go to the Dr. just some hot soup and some fresh onion
 (but he prebare his bed a way from my grandmother) also we have in kuwait desert some kind of plants grow in the desert it's look like onion the old arabic Dr used to use it as a midicen ...any way just take an onion and carlic as much you like it's good for your body imunety.........

                                    state of kuwait


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Re: Tonsilitis Again!!!!!
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2006, 07:04:27 AM »
I used to have problems all the time when I was a kid and they took them out and that solved that.  But as far as ears go I had so many sets of tubes in my life I've lost count I even had holes in my eardrums recently from the eardrum not closeing after the tubes fell out.  They tried to fix my r eardrum sx (graphing) but it didn't work I still had a hole.  For several years I had the holes and just recently after an ear infection that wouldn't heal with the pcp I went to the ent and the l ear healed itself but the r ear formed a pocket and there was fluid in it so they put a tube in right there in the office!!!!!!!!!!!!!  After all those sx to do it!!


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Re: Tonsilitis Again!!!!!
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2006, 08:57:42 PM »
     I agree about the garlic. My Greek gandmother used to have us swallow whole garlic cloves just as you say. She said it was to keep away the evil spirits. I think it's a good idea.  Jean 


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Re: Tonsilitis Again!!!!!
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2006, 05:33:43 AM »
    Garlic is an amazing herb (vegetable). It is used in almost every meal here in the subcontinent.

Garlic has many active constituents including alliin, allicin, alliinase and unique sulfur compounds. Allicin and the sulfur compounds of garlic are the ingredients primarily responsible for garlic's potency as an antibiotic, anti viral and a fungicide and for its use in treating high blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, for helping to prevent certain types of cancer, as well as its use as an immune stimulant. Allicin is a strong antibiotic agent produced when the alliin and alliinase are merged together, as happens when a fresh garlic clove is crushed or chewed

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Offline namitha

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Re: Tonsilitis Again!!!!!
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2006, 08:32:48 AM »
Hi all,

This garlic thing is really interesting. I know that it has medicinal properties but isnt it enough using it in our cooking or does it make a difference when we take it early morning whole with a glass of water. Does it lose its properties when cooked?


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Offline sahil

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Re: Tonsilitis Again!!!!!
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2006, 11:37:30 AM »
Hi all ,

Yea u guys are right....Garlic is the best remedy for cough and Tonsilitis. Since my childhood my Mom gives me 1 table spoon ginger juice with 1 tablespoon honey and a pinch of turmeric in it. Believe it or not but this really works for me.....!
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