Am I a Thalassemic?

  • 4 Replies
Am I a Thalassemic?
« on: July 20, 2013, 09:46:22 AM »
Hey I had some blood tests done couple of days ago! Here how it went:
Hb-A2 2.20%
Hb-F 1.10%

*ESR - 35mm/1st hour
*Retic count - 2.31%

Anisocytosis with hypochromia

WBC 7.75 x10.e 3/µl
RBC 3.92 x10.e 6/µl
HGB 10.7 g/dL
HCT 33.6%
MCV 85.7 fL
MCH 27.3 pg
MCHC 31.8 g/dL
%RDW-CV 22.4%
PLT 22` x10.e 3/µl
% Neut 54.6%
%Lymph 40%
%mono 4.9 %
%eos 0.4%
%baso 0.1%
#neut 4.23 x10.e 3/µl
#lypmh 3.1  x10.e 3/µl
#mono 0.38  x10.e 3/µl
#eos 0.03  x10.e 3/µl
#baso 0.01  x10.e 3/µl
MPV is missing due to platelet anisocytosis.

I have been diagnosed as having iron deficiency anemia for last 10 years. Do you think I am a carrier maybe? Do I have thallasemia?


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Am I a Thalassemic?
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2013, 03:21:20 PM »
Hi Amatu,

It does not look like thal minor is present. Your electrophoresis shows a normal HbA2 and this would be elevated with thal minor. Your CBC shows iron deficiency is likely. Your RBC would be higher with thal, your MCV and MCH would be lower and your RDW would not be this high with thal minor, but would be with IDA.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Am I a Thalassemic?
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2013, 06:04:29 PM »
Hey thankyou so much! So Hb F being elevated is nothing to be alarmed of?


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Am I a Thalassemic?
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2013, 06:51:51 PM »
The HbF is within normal range. It may be higher than some references list it, but it can be as high as 2% in non-thals. An iron panel would be more telling. Your Hb is low, but your MCV is normal and if you had both thal minor and iron deficiency, it would be in the low 70's at the highest.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Am I a Thalassemic?
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2013, 04:50:51 AM »
Thankyou  :wink


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