Thalassemia Patients and Friends

Discussion Forums => Diet, Nutrition and Supplements => Topic started by: Pooja Thadani on May 09, 2013, 02:17:28 PM

Title: Ip6
Post by: Pooja Thadani on May 09, 2013, 02:17:28 PM
Can anyone help.. Where can I order ip6 from in the US?
Title: Re: Ip6
Post by: Andy Battaglia on May 09, 2013, 02:20:29 PM
Google IP6.

Some examples.

Title: Re: Ip6
Post by: Pratik on May 09, 2013, 05:07:45 PM
I order from Puritan. They've great value.

Title: Re: Ip6
Post by: Pooja Thadani on May 09, 2013, 05:32:51 PM
Thank u.. & what would be the dosage for an 8 month old?
Title: Re: Ip6
Post by: Andy Battaglia on May 09, 2013, 10:31:09 PM
I would suggest mixing one capsule per day in with food or drink. Don't mix it with milk. It may cause gas when first starting but that passes. If it does, take the IP6 every other day until the gas clears up.
Title: Re: Ip6
Post by: anshul on May 10, 2013, 05:24:37 AM
Hi Andy,

The above puritan link shows that this product is not recommended for persons below 18 years. So is it advisable to give it to 8 months baby..?
Even my child is 1.3 yrs. Do you suggest this for him also..?
Title: Re: Ip6
Post by: Pratik on May 10, 2013, 06:05:22 AM
Hi Andy,

The above puritan link shows that this product is not recommended for persons below 18 years. So is it advisable to give it to 8 months baby..?
Even my child is 1.3 yrs. Do you suggest this for him also..?
Well, what medicines and supplements doesn't list that caution?

That's a standard way for medical and pharmaceutical companies to escape any warranted lawsuit.

Pooja, regarding dose, I think one capsule for a small baby should be fine. Be careful though, IP6 causes me constipation from time to time and little stomach pains sometimes as well, so do continue to monitor your child's stool and also his mood, because it might cause stomach ache if not suited.

As Andy said, I'd advise too, to open the capsule and mix the powder with the food. I find that IP6 is digested much better if I take it after my meals, so mixing with food is ideal as empty stomach maybe prone to constipation.

Title: Re: Ip6
Post by: Andy Battaglia on May 10, 2013, 02:15:55 PM
Pratik is correct. Studies usually are not done on young patients, so the disclaimer is added. But keep in mind that phytic acid is already present everywhere in the body.
Title: Re: Ip6
Post by: Pooja Thadani on May 10, 2013, 03:54:29 PM
Thank u Andy & Pratik,
Will keep that in mind while giving it to him.
Title: Re: Ip6
Post by: Rehman on May 11, 2013, 10:04:52 AM
Dear Andy

what is IP6 and why Thal patient use it for ?
Title: Re: Ip6
Post by: Andy Battaglia on May 11, 2013, 02:58:22 PM
IP6 is phytic acid,. It is related to the B vitamins and is already found everywhere in the human body. It is a powerful antioxidant that is also a mild chelator. It has been studied extensively as it has the ability of inhibiting the action of iron in cells and thus is also of much interest in cancer, as all cancers need iron to thrive.
Title: Re: Ip6
Post by: Cari on May 22, 2013, 02:46:49 AM
Just  a note And I'm honestly not sure if this is related but Dylan started using IP6 in Feb at 16 months. He is not on any chelation yet. He ferritin has dropped in the past 2,months by 200. I  def see the advantage of ip6
Title: Re: Ip6
Post by: Andy Battaglia on May 22, 2013, 02:58:28 AM
I am certain IP6 has some effect on ferritin levels. It cannot replace chelation in transfusing patients but as a complement to chelation, IP6 has value because the small size of the molecule allows it to reach everywhere in the body, including the pituitary and the brain, where chelation drugs may not or cannot reach.
Title: Re: Ip6
Post by: Pratik on May 22, 2013, 06:06:50 AM
Just  a note And I'm honestly not sure if this is related but Dylan started using IP6 in Feb at 16 months. He is not on any chelation yet. He ferritin has dropped in the past 2,months by 200. I  def see the advantage of ip6
Yes, definitely it does help!

Glad to see it.

I saw a lot of posts on internet regarding IP6, particularly in drinkers. Wine causes a lot of iron deposition in liver especially and those group of people took IP6 for couple of months and their liver iron was cleaned by itself.

So this thing definitely works!

Title: Re: Ip6
Post by: Cari on May 24, 2013, 01:45:16 AM
I am giving both kids half a dose right right now. Should I increase or keep as is?
Title: Re: Ip6
Post by: JV on May 24, 2013, 02:13:04 AM
I always see IP6 at GNC and Vitamin this the same thing? Tablet or liquid?
Title: Re: Ip6
Post by: Andy Battaglia on May 24, 2013, 01:42:30 PM

If they don't get any gas or bloating, it's perfectly safe to give them a higher dose. Tests using extremely high doses showed no side effects.
Title: Re: Ip6
Post by: Andy Battaglia on May 24, 2013, 01:44:24 PM
Yes, IP6 (phytic acid or inositol hexaphosphate) is available from most vitamin companies.
Title: Re: Ip6
Post by: JV on June 03, 2013, 01:42:09 PM
What is the age requirement for IP6? My daughter will be 3 in August
Title: Re: Ip6
Post by: Pratik on June 03, 2013, 02:18:42 PM
What is the age requirement for IP6? My daughter will be 3 in August
Well, there's no age requirement. However, start on low dose, 500mg should be good.

Title: Re: Ip6
Post by: Andy Battaglia on June 03, 2013, 02:19:15 PM
It can be taken at any age. It is quite mild.