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Thalassemia Minor / Thalassemia minor and raised PSA levels
« Last post by woodman on May 27, 2024, 05:00:03 PM »
Hi- at the age of 73, with thalassemia minor, I have had my PSA level checked for the first time. The blood test revealed it to be very high at 39.8.  I am now awaiting an MRI scan of the prostate. The doctors internal (finger examination) did not find anything out of the ordinary thankfully. Other than irritating waterworks problems I have no other concerns. Could the thalassemia connection play a part in the high PSA level in my blood?  ???
I guess I can say .. I told ya so ..
"Iron Load Toxicity in Medicine: From Molecular and Cellular Aspects to Clinical Implications"
Iron is essential for all organisms and cells. Diseases of iron imbalance affect billions of patients, including those with iron overload and other forms of iron toxicity. Excess iron load is an adverse prognostic factor for all diseases and can cause serious organ damage and fatalities following chronic red blood cell transfusions in patients of many conditions, including hemoglobinopathies, myelodyspasia, and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Similar toxicity of excess body iron load but at a slower rate of disease progression is found in idiopathic haemochromatosis patients. Excess iron deposition in different regions of the brain with suspected toxicity has been identified by MRI T2* and similar methods in many neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. Based on its role as the major biological catalyst of free radical reactions and the Fenton reaction, iron has also been implicated in all diseases associated with free radical pathology and tissue damage. Furthermore, the recent discovery of ferroptosis, which is a cell death program based on free radical generation by iron and cell membrane lipid oxidation, sparked thousands of investigations and the association of iron with cardiac, kidney, liver, and many other diseases, including cancer and infections. The toxicity implications of iron in a labile, non-protein bound form and its complexes with dietary molecules such as vitamin C and drugs such as doxorubicin and other xenobiotic molecules in relation to carcinogenesis and other forms of toxicity are also discussed. In each case and form of iron toxicity, the mechanistic insights, diagnostic criteria, and molecular interactions are essential for the design of new and effective therapeutic interventions and of future targeted therapeutic strategies. In particular, this approach has been successful for the treatment of most iron loading conditions and especially for the transition of thalassemia from a fatal to a chronic disease due to new therapeutic protocols resulting in the complete elimination of iron overload and of iron toxicity.
Announcements / Re: My absence
« Last post by conradj on April 07, 2024, 04:43:45 AM »
i am very sorry to read this.  The physical exhaustion and emotional toll of caring giving for someone close, is something i can relate to.  i know i'm years late in offering my sympathy and thought of care.

Diet, Nutrition and Supplements / Re: Beta Minor - Endurance - Supplements
« Last post by conradj on April 07, 2024, 04:09:53 AM »
i'm just turned 64.  Was diagnosed beta thal in my mid 20s.  Unusually for a beta thal person i have pretty serious hypertension.

The last 8-9 months i've been taking 500mg magnisium daily.  It's helped lower my BP by a lot.  i don't understand why.  Just know that if i stop taking it for a day or 2 then my BP is up high again.

Been on around 6000IU daily of vitamin D3 since Covid-19 started, and that's had a lot of benefits, but it didn't do anything for my BP.

The benefit i can most easily experience from vitamin D3 supplementation is that now i don't seem to any more be susceptible to respiratory infections as i have been all my life.  Used to catch the flu a few times a year and it'd completely sideline me for a month.  i'd catch bad pneumonia every couple years.

Haven't caught flu once since i started supplementing with vitamin D3.

Altho, the masking probably has something to do with that.  i still wear one when i go to public places where there're lots of people.
Thalassemia Minor / Blood donation by thal minor
« Last post by Slade on March 29, 2024, 10:41:06 PM »
Hi All,

I'm a thal minor and I'm considering to donate blood next week. Not that I'm afraid that this may do me some harm. I certainly hope not! However, I'm wondering if it's even ethical to do it as the person who will eventually receive that blood may be in really poor condition and in need of blood with quality, stable RBCs which are able to transport oxygen normally. Please let me know your thoughts.
Greetings / Re: Remembering Lisa on Her Birthday
« Last post by Andy Battaglia on March 23, 2024, 11:19:29 PM »
Lisa left us 20 years ago. Her memory lives forever.
I want to wish Lisa a Happy Birthday in Heaven. Smile down on us, Lisa. We need some blessings.
The Spotlight / Re: Hello
« Last post by Rafael Censon on March 14, 2024, 09:30:47 PM »
Andy, why methylene blue and vitamin K would be problematic to thal minor?
Thalassemia Major / pro-oxidant/antioxidant balance
« Last post by ironjustice on February 23, 2024, 03:15:57 AM »
The association of pro-oxidant/antioxidant balance and blood parameters in patients with beta-thalassemia major: a cross-sectional study
The Spotlight / Re: COVID-19 vaccine
« Last post by Sara M on November 30, 2023, 03:27:05 PM »
I'm thal. minor, 66 years old. I've had the Phizer shots, and the most recent one was Moderna. Nothing but a slightly sore arm for a day or so.
The Spotlight / Introduction
« Last post by Sara M on November 30, 2023, 03:25:14 PM »
Hi, I just recently found this group. I'm 66 and was told long ago (by a Dr. after having bloodwork done) I have thal. minor. My mother and her mother also had it and both my mother an I were only children due to the problems that occured during pregnancy. I never had kids. My mother would become slightly anemic from time to time, though I never have that I'm aware of. I'm curious about how it relates to Covid and other contagious diseases. Although I'm in great health overall, I've never had what people call a "little" cold. Any kind of virus was always a long ordeal. I've avoided Covid thus far but I know the odds are stacked against me, even though I'm vaccinated. My maternal side is Italian and I remember how Covid swept through Italy at the beginning of the pandemic. Are there any studies showing correlation with thalassemia?
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