My 14 months old daughter has been diagnosed with Thal....Please help......

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Dear Dr. Andy,

I have to go for Hb check again tomorrow.

"It is still too early to make any judgments about your daughter's future but there is reason for some  optimism"

As per your statement I would like to know till what age can it be identified if she is towards major or towards minor? I mean if she is able to maintain her Hb between 8-9 till 3 years of age will it be confirmed that she will behave like a minor for her entire life and will not be requiring any blood transfusion.

Warm regards


Offline priya

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Hi Puneet

I really feel sorry for your daughter, but don’t worry belief in GOD. HE is great.
Let me tell you that I have daughter Priya whoes case is identical, she is thal intermediate with same polymorphim of (-/+), but UN luckily we came to know about her problem when she was 5 yrs. old. She is taking hydrea and maintaining her Hb above 7.2 which is quite low but she had never received any blood transfusion.
Puneet can you pls. tell me how do you prepare wheat grass juice for you daughter with or without water?

Good Luck and hoping the best for daughter.



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Hi Harminder,

:welcome to the site.

You can grow your own WG patch and make the Juice according to this silly little tutorial:
اَسّلامُ علیکم Peace be Upon you
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Web Site

Dear All,

Is there any news about DR. A.M Mathur. My daughter is 1.6 ys old and few months back she was diagnosed with Thal Major/Intermedia. She has not been transfused yet as she is maintaing Hb of around 9.6/9.7. I have kept her on wheat grass juice therapy.

Today,I visited Dr. Mathur and he claims that my daughter can be cured. I am too confused whether I should start the medicine recommended by Dr.Mathur or not.When I asked him for some references of the Thal patients whom he has cured,he made excuses and did not provided me with any reference. Please advice me if anyone has who has taken medicine of Dr. mathur and has been cured.

Dear Dr. Andy,

Below is the chart of her HB level.

S.No   Date    Hb
1   11-May-07   9.5
2   1-Jun-07   8.8
3   8-Jun-07   8.1
4   23-Jun-07   9
5   21-Jul-07   9.7
6   1-Sep-07   9.6

Do you think wheat is doing its job?
Can she be cured if we continue the wheat grass for her?

Dear Harminder,

I will be glad to tell you about the wheat grass juice preparation.It will be difficult to explain here.

Please feel free to call me on 9818568337.

Warm regards
Puneet Saluja


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Hi Puneet,

Wheatgrass will not cure thal but in some patients it does increase hemoglobin levels enough for them to avoid transfusions and for others it increases the time between transfusions. I do feel that your daughter is definitely benefiting from wheatgrass and that she should continue using it.

Even though your daughter is intermedia, her Hb level is far higher than where transfusions will be needed and also high enough to have a normal physical development. Please continue to have her follow a wholesome diet and take necessary supplements, along with continuing wheatgrass.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Dear Dr. Andy,

Thanks for prompt response.Here in India there is one homoepathic Dr. A.M Mathur who claims he can cure Thal major. I visited him today and asked for some references.He smartly made some excuses and did not provide me with even a single refernence. Here is the article which I found about Dr. Mathur.

It will be really nice if you can investigate about this doctor and bring clarity.

His address is

Dr. A.M Mathur
H.No. 1265 Sector 17C

Also, I would request all the members here to find out about this doctor and bring clarity to this.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Hi Puneet,

There are some members of this group who have met with Dr Mathur and have their children using his Rodex medicine. Please do a search for the word rodex on our site and you will find numerous posts regarding this doctor and his treatments. As far as I have seen, his medicine does seem to have some minor effects in the short term, but no one has used it long enough to give a long term report. Rodex may be of some help to intermedias but I don't know if it will give you any better results than the wheatgrass.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Zaini

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Hello Puneetsaluja,

i believe that two members on this forum,kabir_love and maha are using dr mathar's medicine Rodex for their kids,i don't think they are totally cured but they are using it and waiting for results,you might want to PM them.




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Hello Puneet,
My son has been on Rodex for almost 4 months now and till now there has not been any improvement in his hb level although certain other blood readings have improved. Dr Mathur says Rodex will stabilise the hb between 7-10 gm/dl. So why do you want to start rodex since your daughter`s hb is doing good with wheatgrass at 9.7.Rodex works in four cycles. In the first cycle the hb drops, in the second it goes up and down and stabilises in the third and fourth cycle. I am almost finished with the second cycle. If the doc`s claims are true I should start seeing results in a month or so. I suggest you wait to start your girl on Rodex. Feel free to ask anything.
Take care

Dear Maha,

Thanks for your quick response.As per Dr. Mathur,he claims that I need to give Rodex for 1 year starting from this winter to next winter.In the hot months,I need to keep my daughter in some hill station. He also claims that she will be TOTALLY cured with no signs of THAL MINOR EVEN.I do not know how is this possible?How can he change or cure the faulty genes? I will appreciate if I could speak to you over phone to get more clarity.My contact number is 9818568337.Else,you can provide me with your contact number.

Warm regards


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Hello Puneet
Dr Mathur definitely claims to cure thal. He says very clearly his drug works like a bone marrow transplant and is infact more effective. Remember even when you go through bmt you still have two faulty genes that can be passed on.Rodex programmes the bone marrow to produce normal Rbc`s. I hope you got the picture. Will contact you soon.


Offline Zaini

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Is that even possible? correcting of faulty genes ?i though it was only possible with gene therapy.



Offline maha

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Hi Zaini,
You got me wrong. Just like you are left with two faulty genes even after a successful bmt, you will be left with two faulty genes even with Rodex.


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