Thank you Andy for your kind words.
Since, you have had a chance to meet Chiman uncle, you came to know the kind of person he is, gracious and caring. A gem of a human being, a self-made man and a very loving person.
He never lost touch with either his roots or all the people he ever knew right from his youth in India. He gave of himself, his time, his advice and his encouragement to as many as he could all his life. He has been very inspiring to me too. Even if, he was having any problems or going through any emotional turmoil he would, still, always have time to cheerup everyone around him. A very spirited and lively person, he is always there for his extended family and his friends. He is one of the sweetest and helpful persons I ever came across and not just to people that he knew, but even those he was meeting for the first time.
Despite achieving great success, starting from a scratch and becoming one of the best in his fields, he never lost humility or his connection with India, and with any friend rich or poor. He has always "been there" for others, for my dad.
"We are there for you too, Chiman uncle, praying for your safe return and well-being, to be in even better health than you have been the last time we met you, even livelier and in perfect good health for so many more years to come. If you decide to do it, you can; Come back to us please."
Thank you everyone for your prayers, all your prayers and wishes are not just for 'my uncle' but also a very good human being whose absence would mean a great loss to very many people. I shall send your wishes for me and my family too, also to him.
Bless you all.