Thal Minor Receiving IV Iron Infusions - new to all this, please help!

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Offline Trista

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Re: Thal Minor Receiving IV Iron Infusions - new to all this, please help!
« Reply #15 on: February 25, 2008, 09:32:38 PM »
So, all the tests regarding celiac disease came back negative. However, I am now on my 3rd round of Ferrlicit. The first round was 8 transfusions, the second round was 7 and now the 3rd round is another 7. I had my Iron test run at the beginning of January any my Ferritin was at 99 but when they ran it again mid-February, it was down to 63 which is why they are sending me for round 3. My hemo says I am using my iron as fast as they are giving it to me. My stores are up considerably so I think maybe I will be done after this round, I hope. The other piece of good news is that they allowed me to stop taking coumadin about 2 weeks ago. I wonder if this will help with my ability to keep my iron as I would think having thicker blood would lead to lighter periods and thus help me not lose as much iron each month. what are your thoughts??? Even if this helps with the iron, it still leaves me hanging as to why the granulocytes are consistently above normal. Thanks for any food for thought you have on these issues. I cant tell you how much I appreciate having this sight around & for the dedication of the members to help others that are struggling to find answers. :wink You all ROCK!


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