losing hope in my life

  • 32 Replies

Offline Pratik

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Re: losing hope in my life
« Reply #30 on: October 24, 2012, 10:10:02 AM »
Hi Nina,

Don't get depressed, live life like never before.

Don't run or think behind thousand reasons to make you sad, but run and spend time behind one reason that you could make you happy and cheer you up.

The views you mentioned are common. Myself, being a Thal major since past 18 years of my life, I never experienced that oh god, I now no longer need to live, instead I could beg him for even more days to live because I find life around me to be beautiful.

Life is not what you think, it's how you live and that makes difference. Myself, as a child was or even a grown up wasn't ever differentiated in schools, sports activity or even other creative activities or roles and that's how I could live a life and living like a normal person.

I was diagnosed with diabetes in January 2009 too, it was an initial shock for myself, but I just laughed at it and made it a part of my life, routine. I now eat all the healthy meals that I was not eating before, and even more, and I find thal major or diabetes hasn't affected my life is any greater way.

Along with all these, I keep my family happy with laughter's and all that. We never feel that I'm a thallassemia major until the transfusion day comes, when I realize, "Oh, today is my BT day, no problem, 4 hours dedicated to you.".

Of course, I also experience fatigue sometimes (more these days) or restlessness, but I eventually overcome it.

Just do what you find happiness in and you'll see how great life is. I also take a walk in garden that is in front of my house, go in to the balcony and see the view from there and turns out how beautiful life is and what I'm missing.
Every child is special.


Offline Dharmesh

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Re: losing hope in my life
« Reply #31 on: October 24, 2012, 12:06:23 PM »
Hi Nina,
Whatever is going on in your life is common for all thal and i know many having same feelings.
Ultimately it is upon us to come out from all the challenges.
And i am sure you have the capacity to handle all the stuff.
Start listening your body, it always gives signs

Re: losing hope in my life
« Reply #32 on: October 24, 2012, 04:41:57 PM »
First of all i would like to thank you all for ur replies feels real nice to have people who actualy understnd me to talk with....
when i was living in south africa ( born there ) i never ever felt that thal was a problem people would treat me just like a normal person but then again i guess i was real young ( lived there till the age of 12) but here in greece its like everyone puts a label on you   ..the goverment gives us evry second month of the year an income but that because they have asked us to go past this test that they give us the % of disablity and mine is 80 % you see with that i cant get a job here in greece its very hard i have a diploma for a kindergarten teacher ( i realy love children) but not allowing me to work :/   thats why im thinking of getting out of greece (crisis) thats going through alot now and going to a country simialar to the one i was born at (australia ) i know how to speak well english and thats a + i think  but before making any big steps i need all the information i need , how do other countries deal with people that have a blood disorder like us thalassemia patients??  do they label you? like they do here???   people are very racist here in greece not with color ... i mean when i met my MR perfect in the past his parents forbid him to go on with me cause they where afraid that he will go through so much pain staying by my side you see not everyone knows exactly what thalassemia is and everyone has their own image about it....so that broke my heart.... luckily now i have found my true love , he adores me but dont realy understand me 100% at times but then again i dont mind...its a journey that we will have to get through together....and walking through i guess he will get there  with the years... :)   (his mother and relatives do not know anything about my health situation and that was his decission and i respected that) oooh i can go on and on but i dont want to bore you all with my stuff .... i just want to say thank you so much for this forum and god bless you all ..thank you for bieng friends :)


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