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« on: May 09, 2006, 07:11:53 AM »
hello friends
my name is mumtaz, my first and only son having the age of 30 months is the Patient of THAL. MAJOR. so i always like to search such a websites which helps me to care him in a more proper and good way. by luck i found such a good website. i am intreased in his BMT so pls tell me that the most economical and professional BMT place in Pakistan.

i am working in KSA but my family is in pakistan. the people who belong to pakistan espeally from lahore. i would like to tell them if they have problem to register any thal. major patient. in already overloaded THAL. centers. they should go to the MENTAL HOSPITAL (near PIC Jail road) at the time of my this vacation i visited their blood bank. they also started THAL center. so you will get registration there very easly. they have their own blood bank+having facility to sparate RBC form blood at the same place. so it will be more conveniant to the patient. pls pass this information to the person who needs it.



Offline §ãJ¡Ð ساجد

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« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2006, 07:50:31 AM »
Welcome to the site Mr Mumtaz,

BMT in Pakistan is a rare thing. There are a couple of good Hospitals in Karachi such as Mohd. Ali Jinnah Hosp and Agah Khan hospitals. Try your case and hopefully they will do a BMT of your child if a valid match exists.

Take care.
اَسّلامُ علیکم Peace be Upon you
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Offline Danielle

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2006, 11:50:46 AM »
Welcome to our group, Mumtaz!  It nice to see you posting here with us!   :biggrin

You will find a lot of good information here.  I'm not familiar with Pakistan, but there are many members here that live there who may be of help to you.  :happyyes
« Last Edit: May 09, 2006, 12:04:33 PM by Danielle »


Offline Narendra

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2006, 04:38:47 PM »
Hello Mumtaz,

Welcome to the group. You can find a lot of information on Thalassemia on this site.

i am intreased in his BMT so pls tell me that the most economical and professional BMT place in Pakistan.

You can follow another thread which mentions information on BMT which we shared with another patient's father(Irfan) - The thread can be found here -
BMT Option for Maria

Also read successful BMT stories at Successful BMT - Donor Sister and Successful BMT - Donor Father

Another important point to note is for you to know how this happened to your son. It happens because you as well as your husband are Thal(Carrier). You might want to talk with other family members on your and your husband's side(your siblings and your husband's siblings) to screen for carrier's so that they can know if they are Thalassemia(Carrier) before they plan for a child.

If you have questions - do ask - there are lot of members here who might be able to share their knowledge



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Re: Introduction
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2006, 07:10:35 PM »
Hello Mumtaz Bhai
I hope u are fine.My daughter Maira is also a victim of Thalassaemia Major and i get information time to time thru this forum.I live in Karachi,Pakistan and i m also consdering for my daugter's BMT and soon i would give the information regarding my daughter's HLA Typing report to this forum I would strongly suggest u to view this site daily and keep in touch with experieced member of this group like Andy,Narendra,Shikha Mitra,Sajid Rauf and Danielle.They are really helpful for this case and they have encourged me to fight the menace of Thalassemia specially Sajid Rauf,Narendra and Shikha Mitra.Well hope to talk to u more next time.And if u need any assitance please do tell me regarding your case.My cell numbers are :
 To call outside from Pakistan 92 333 2147010
 To call inside  from Pakistan  0333 2147010

email address


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Re: Introduction
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2006, 12:16:46 PM »

I was just reading these posts...And I have to say that we are not victims here of anything.... We were just born with a disorder...WE DIDNT ASK FOR IT!!!!! So there are no VICTIMS in here...WE are all normal human beings trying to do the best we can in our lives....

Sorry if this offends some...but it just made me  :mad

Take care all


Offline Danielle

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2006, 05:46:46 PM »
Aww, don't be mad, Smurfette.  I understand how you feel, though.  But I think they just mean "victim" in the literal sense of the word.   :sadyup

Main Entry: vic·tim
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English vyctym, from Latin victima; perhaps akin to Old High German wīh holy
1 : a living being sacrificed to a deity or in the performance of a religious rite
2 : one that is acted on and usually adversely affected by a force or agent <the schools are victims of the social system>: as a (1) : one that is injured, destroyed, or sacrificed under any of various conditions <a victim of cancer> <a victim of the auto crash> <a murder victim>
(2) : one that is subjected to oppression, hardship, or mistreatment <a frequent victim of political attacks> b : one that is tricked or duped <a con man's victim>

Just like the definition says, if we were stricken with cancer (God forbid), then we would be known as  "cancer victims."  We weren't born healthy, so we can actually be labeled as victims, I guess.   :dunno

I'd rather not be known that way, though.  So I definitely understand what you mean.   :hug

Re: Introduction
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2006, 07:49:38 PM »
 Hey Smurfette 

.... please dont be mad at the use of the word "victim"... you see  people from India and Pakistan might use some words or phrases which might mean quite different from their use in USA or UK,... moreover our english is not the best as it is not out mother tongue.. so  Irfee might have used the word very casually without thinking of any implications.
Hope you understand.
I too have a daughter probably your age or older.. and I know you guys are so special and talented and how much it has taken all of you to come this far and all of you will do well in the future too.

Take care


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Re: Introduction
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2006, 10:30:56 AM »
Hello all,

Thanks for the replies...but I get alittle angry when people use that term...

I understand where your coming from shikha, but reading something like that does come across to me and something different to what you understand..

Danielle thanks for understanding me!!!

I hope that I didnt offend anyone...

Thanks again

Take care



Re: Introduction
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2006, 12:34:48 PM »
How Smurfette.
I agree with you that we are not "victims" on the contrary I feel that we are all special human beings .that is because we are challenge every hour of the day and we manage to cope with our lives as best as we could.
Still at times we can become the "victim" of circumstances that is because some of us are vulnerable in the society we live in.
We are all beautifull people lets continue to be kind to one another , after all no one is in a better position to undestand our blood Disorders and our struggles than us all.
with love kathy


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Re: Introduction
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2006, 12:54:11 PM »

This "Victim" word is a mis-understanding. Actually, Mr. Irfan is from Pakistan and our native language is Urdu. In Urdu words have a diverse number of meanings. Just like Ms. Danielle said in her extract from the dictionery that "victim of a particular disease" is a valid phrase.

Similarly in Urdu the patient can be refered as a "victim of a disease" or even "prey" as in "Woh Diabetes ka SHIKAR ho gaya hai" Which translated into English comes out "He's fallen prey to Diabetes." So, I'm glad he didn't use prey.

Which seems improper in English, but used casually in Urdu.

So, I appologise if our language (or it's direct translation without logic) causes any mis-understanding.

Thanks for Listening.
اَسّلامُ علیکم Peace be Upon you
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Offline Irfee

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2006, 07:21:12 PM »
Hello all
I was extremely surprised to read the debat on my word ''victim''and after reading all this matter i m now really a ''victim'' of the word ''victim''. I really used this word casually without understanding its reaction but thanx to God that Shikha Mitra,Daniell and Sajid Rauf who supported me and satisfied Smurfette from the word ''victim''.Well i annoucne loudly that ''A thalassaemic is not a victim'',is it okay Smurfette????.(I have a daughter and she is a thalassaemic too)Actually English is not my mother tongue,therefore,i made a mistake.I hope that the debate on ''victim'' ends here.Thankyou all the members


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