Thanks you so much

moms tend to worry,its kind of in their job description,as much as we are confident that our kids have the best possible treatments and meds available,we still fear for unknown,for unpredictability of the disease,of transfusions,and often enough we think and try to imagine what would life be like if our kids didn't have thal,but it doesn't mean that we don't love them or we are not optimistic for their future,fear and hope go hand in hand you see.
What i love about this group is that not only we could celebrate our kids accomplishments with each other,but we can also share our doubts and fears,because we know that there will be someone to comfort us,and someone's words are gonna make us feel better,thats only human nature,and especially maternal nature

because doubts and fears are gonna be there along with hope and optimism as long as thalassemia is here in our lives.