is there any thalasaemia patients with hep C ???

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is there any thalasaemia patients with hep C ???
« on: August 22, 2008, 07:43:42 AM »
i'm a thalassaemia patient with hep is advising me to do treatment but there are some side effect...
so i'm worrying it alot with the treatment.. i should or shouldn't ???
juz hope to get some advice here or any other suggestion of treatments...???
thank alot !!! i'll appreciatte all the advice.... :wink

please help me
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2008, 07:51:01 AM »
hi to all first of all im week in english dont mind it any way i have my 8 years old son he,s healthy but i have 4 years old doughter she got thalassemia major just we transfusing blood every 30 to 35 days is there any other treatment im from pakistan i dont think there in pakistan other good treatment but i realy need help from any other countries and she now have overload iron please u peoples help me out for this i realy need some help from all of u reaply me on im waiting thanks to all


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Re: is there any thalasaemia patients with hep C ???
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2008, 08:29:39 AM »
Hi Gerlie_yeng,

:welcome to the site. How bad is your Hep C? If it's just dormant and not causing any problem then you can keep it that way with proper chelation and not having the liver overloaded with iron.

Hi Afridi,
:welcome to the site.
Where are you located? You can check the following link to check the Thal. center closest to you:
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Re: is there any thalasaemia patients with hep C ???
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2008, 10:00:35 AM »

I would have to disagree with what you said!!! Reason being I was properly transfused and properly chelated and I had to go on interferon....


I have Hep C and I have been on interferon combination...If you want to know about the side effects you can eimail me on

I have just come off the treatment due to the side effects....

There may be a reason your doctor suggested you go on interferon?

Oh by the way... Welcome to the site too...

Re: is there any thalasaemia patients with hep C ???
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2008, 12:39:46 PM »
thanks for all the reply...
i juz do my liver biopsy and my liver hardenest is no 3 and there are some iron in my liver...
and my virus is around 101,*** ....


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Re: is there any thalasaemia patients with hep C ???
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2008, 07:08:02 AM »
Hi Smurf,

It's O.K. I said "if" it's just dormant and causes no problem (like mine). Maybe in your case it's not so dormant and the doctors have decided to go for the treatment.
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Re: is there any thalasaemia patients with hep C ???
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2008, 09:39:43 AM »
Sajid mine is dormant too...And my doctors suggested I start interferon..It was my decision to go on it..No doctor will force you to do anything without your go ahead...

His Viral Load Count is far too high for gerlie not to take any action.... They also state that they have some iron in the liver which isnt too good for them either...As we all know!!!!

Gerlie I would speak to your doctor as soon as possible about treatment wise if your Viral load is that high!!!! I would also suggest if you have cirohssis and inflamation you should definately speak to your doctor....

Hope this helps

Re: is there any thalasaemia patients with hep C ???
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2008, 12:29:12 PM »
that day i read newspaper i saw a articles writing tat "Chlorella" can helps us clean the bowels and aiding liver function...
and help us to nuetrilize poisonous in our body and also can help us to detox chemical toxins in our body...
but tis nutritions is havein a big amount of iron... so i'm not sure whether it can help us anot...

can check it up on this website:
« Last Edit: August 24, 2008, 03:59:27 PM by Andy »


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Re: is there any thalasaemia patients with hep C ???
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2008, 04:25:42 PM »
One serving of Chlorella contains 5 mg of iron. That's more than 5 times the iron you would get from a cup of raw spinach and as much iron as there is in a 6 ounce steak. This might increase your dietary intake of iron by about 20% daily, so it is a significant amount.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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Re: is there any thalasaemia patients with hep C ???
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2008, 06:39:23 PM »
I don't know much about liver and hep viruses, so I tell you what I know.

I'm fighting shingles virus now, and it's killing me, it's so painful. And it keeps doing damage to my nerves, despite Aciclovir orally. So I am going to try something new, just finished doing research on this a few days ago.

Monolaurin (brand name Lauricidin) and monocaprin seem to have some efffect on lipid coated viruses -  these compounds work like soap (because they are soaps) - dissolve virus envelopes and viruses die.

Here, someone tried this for hep B (which may be sometimes in some people also difficult to cure):

If you decide to buy it, try this link:
- that's where I am gonna buy it - they have best prices.

Unfortunetely, there are no real clinical trials in vivo concerning monolaurin. There were some in vitro (outside living organism, eg. human) trials, which showed that monolurin kills bacteria and viruses, and there were trials with HIV positive people, which showed improvement of their condition, but too few people took part in this trial, so the results were a little unreliable (but only a little), there were some trials with poultry. However so far nobody reached udeniable conclusion that this thing works. But I'm going to try it anyway.

A thing good for your liver is NAC (N-ACETYL CYSTEINE):
which promotes glutathione production in liver, what in theory should reduce inflammation.
But I don't know if this is recommended for liver hepatitis.

L-lysine is supposed to help in herpes infection, some people use it for hepatitis C:
We have tended to use this product when there is co-infection with HCV, at this point we have not used it enough in HCV cases without co-infection to know its impact on HCV alone.

Please, remember that I did this research trying to figgure out shingles virus, so it may be necessary to reevaluate these treatments for hep C. But it's something to get you started, although of course these are not "real" treatments, only supplemental.

You might want to try and ask people on hep C support group
I read somewhere that there is this new treatment with a special kind of interferon, and the success ratio is much higher than with normal interferon (50 % ? I really don't remember), so
it would be important for you to get this new treatment.


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Re: is there any thalasaemia patients with hep C ???
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2008, 11:00:48 AM »
I was previously had HepC too and I was those lucky few who was able to build the antibody to kill the virus away. But HepC can be a huge problem and although it might not cause you a problem now but you wont know in future when it turns Chronic.

Best advise is to treat the Hep C asap and heard that most patient is given Interfrone and Rabravine also but that could cause your HB to drop tremendously w those medication so talk to your doc and decide


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