I didn't search it myself,but my friend took one of her friends to concept fertility centre a couple of years ago and she told me this,i don't know if she was wrong.
Sometimes when i find enough time i keep reading oldest posts on the forum,i read a member jemma once posted similar question about pregnancy and she also stated that in her country IVF cost 8000 $,i don't remember where was she from.
Well i think the ticket to Egypt is about 7 to 800 $

Canadian Family,
What you stated is the very same i read on internet every where,if also contains a great risk of other internal problems a woman can face,so if we ever opted for another pregnancy,i don't think IVF would be my option.
I have a son and a daughter both,so generally speaking i should be satisfied,but i want to give my daughetr a sister,i know it's not for sure that i'll have a daughter,but i wanted to give it a try,for her sake,as she would love to have a sister,as she often says so

Thank you for your input.