Friend advised to take: Tiaojing Cuyun wan Please Help

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Offline Sharmin

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Re: Friend advised to take: Tiaojing Cuyun wan Please Help
« Reply #15 on: May 24, 2009, 08:53:45 PM »
Thank you Zaini,
I hope and pray that is the case  :hugfriend



Offline Manal

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Re: Friend advised to take: Tiaojing Cuyun wan Please Help
« Reply #16 on: May 25, 2009, 02:54:07 PM »
Yes Sharmin sometimes they are not accurate at all. Also the percentage of being pregnant whether naturally or through IVF is only 30% success. That is why in IVF usually doctors transfere two or three embroys so each one will have a 30% chance and therefore increase the total percentage.

Please tell her that if there is no pregnancy, it is okay and there will always be hope cause the normal in IVF is that you make it from the second or third time

Good luck



Offline Sharmin

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Re: Friend advised to take: Tiaojing Cuyun wan Please Help
« Reply #17 on: May 25, 2009, 03:13:45 PM »
Thank you Manal,

Yesterday, after taking her pregnancy tests she sat in bed crying all day - she didn't eat anything and I am so worried about her.  I told her that the pregnancy test could be wrong but she just said "I'm just not that lucky."  My heart is breaking for her. 

Thank you all of your advise - when she is ready to hear something positive I will need all of the advise you guys have given me to help her feel better.  The doctors did not find anything wrong with her - the embryos were growing very well and the lining of her uterus was great - they transferred only one because they thought her chances were very high of getting pregnant (70%) and they did not want to risk multiple pregnancies.  I hope that the home pregnancy test was wrong - but if not then hopefully they will transfer two next time.  It is heartbreaking when someone you care about so much is so sad :(

Re: Friend advised to take: Tiaojing Cuyun wan Please Help
« Reply #18 on: May 25, 2009, 09:44:57 PM »
We tried everything for four years and about to give up. Our last attempt was artificial insemenation and it worked for twins.

We had two IVFs and number of clomid cycles. Now we look back and say it was for better. Things have certain timing to occur (I am a believer).


Offline Sharmin

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Re: Friend advised to take: Tiaojing Cuyun wan Please Help
« Reply #19 on: May 25, 2009, 10:31:07 PM »
Canadian Family,
Now we look back and say it was for better. Things have certain timing to occur (I am a believer).

Thank you - your words give hope  :hugfriend  You are so right things happen when they are supposed to.




Offline Sharmin

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Re: Friend advised to take: Tiaojing Cuyun wan Please Help
« Reply #20 on: May 26, 2009, 09:57:09 PM »
The official test was negative - thank you all for your prayers and support.  She is absolutely devastated and nothing I say is helping her right now.  She is seeing this as the end of the road because she has done clomid and artifical insemination. 

Canadian family, it is amazing what you have been through - there have been so many people who have had success with fertility treatments I just have to help my friend see that when she is ready. 

Thanks again,



Offline Manal

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Re: Friend advised to take: Tiaojing Cuyun wan Please Help
« Reply #21 on: May 27, 2009, 12:13:41 AM »
Sharmin my heart feels for her :hugfriend, when she is ready please tell her that the ''normal'' in IVF is several trails and definetly God will someday answer her prayers



Offline Sharmin

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Re: Friend advised to take: Tiaojing Cuyun wan Please Help
« Reply #22 on: June 22, 2009, 03:46:58 AM »
Dear friends,

Thank you for all of your wonderful advise and prayers.  In September my friend will try again - the clinic will transfer the frozen embryos and I am hoping and praying with all of my heart that she will become pregnant and have a healthy baby.  In the meantime, she is a wreck and I cannot console her. 

Her co workers are telling her that she is crazy for trying again - they tell her that she should just give up.  I can't believe that people are so cruel.  The clinic is very positive and believes that she has every chance of getting pregnant.  My heart is breaking - I am thinking about her situation all of the time and looking for the right words to say to her to get her through these few months.  She is surrounded by people who have babies and she is feeling left out.

Does anyone know what I can say that can take some of this burden off of her?

Thank you all so much,



Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Friend advised to take: Tiaojing Cuyun wan Please Help
« Reply #23 on: June 22, 2009, 04:08:16 AM »
I can't believe people would be so rude and they are very uniformed. The problem with IVF is the same as with any pregnancy. There is not a high rate of success with any pregnancy attempt and IVF often involves more than one try. Helen tried for several years before she finally carried a baby to term and was recently blessed with her second boy, just before her 40th birthday. One important thing. I never heard a negative word from Helen. She was determined no matter how many tries it took. You just have to persist until it works. She needs to forget what the insensitive idiots say and listen to what the clinic tells her. It will take a little time for her to be ready, but when she is, she needs to be strong and realize that it can take several attempts to have a successful pregnancy, but it is worth it in the end.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Sharmin

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Re: Friend advised to take: Tiaojing Cuyun wan Please Help
« Reply #24 on: June 22, 2009, 04:31:59 AM »
Thank you Andy,

Your positive attitude and message of determination is so helpful to me right now.  I think that it will help her too. 
It is just like the negative messages we often receive in the thal world - people are always so eager to tell others to give up when in fact there is every reason to not give up.

Thanks again,




Offline Manal

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Re: Friend advised to take: Tiaojing Cuyun wan Please Help
« Reply #25 on: June 23, 2009, 01:35:22 AM »

I too know people who tried several times and in many years and God had answered their prayers. the suceessful rate of pregnancy either normal or IVF is only 30%. The problem is that women who go through IVF has more anxiety than who concieve normally cause usually they don't think about it.

I also do believe that anxiety can play a negative role to a great extent. I think that all you can advice her is to have faith and to believe and trust that one day her prayers will be answered

I am prayering for her



Offline Sharmin

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Re: Friend advised to take: Tiaojing Cuyun wan Please Help
« Reply #26 on: September 02, 2009, 02:54:46 PM »
My friend has gone through another cycle, this time using frozen embryos.  Two embryos were implanted this time, and I am praying with all my heart that she is pregnant.  She will do a pregnancy test and get results on Tuesday.   I will post when she gets her results.  This has been a very difficult journey for her. 



Offline Zaini

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Re: Friend advised to take: Tiaojing Cuyun wan Please Help
« Reply #27 on: September 02, 2009, 03:19:58 PM »

Please tell her that all my wishes and prayers are with her  :hugfriend .



Offline Sharmin

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Re: Friend advised to take: Tiaojing Cuyun wan Please Help
« Reply #28 on: September 02, 2009, 03:22:19 PM »
Thank you Zaini  :hugfriend


Offline Sharmin

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Re: Friend advised to take: Tiaojing Cuyun wan Please Help
« Reply #29 on: September 09, 2009, 04:25:36 AM »
My friend has her pregnancy test tomorrow - she will have the results on Thursday.  I am praying for her - I hope that this cycle works.  Thank you all for your advice and support through all of this. 



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