what do you think

  • 23 Replies
what do you think
« on: December 29, 2008, 07:19:48 AM »
do you think if god takes something from you he in turns provide you with an extraordinary alternative which differs you from all the normal people.


Offline cherieann

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Re: what do you think
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2008, 08:55:29 AM »
Personally I believe that god made me like this so that I could be a better person.
He gave me the courage to face the Thalassaemia, the strength to cope with the attitudes and a heart to show compassion to all living creatures.
I believe I got more in this bargain :wink
« Last Edit: December 29, 2008, 08:55:02 PM by cherieann »
Thalassaemia is a lifestyle not a burden.


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Re: what do you think
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2008, 11:35:59 AM »
hi buddy ,
i think that god took nothing to us , everything we have is god's blessings ... thalassemia is nothing in comparison to wat we have .. we have a complete body a set of arms and hands, a couple of feet , a couple of etc etc... wat else we dont have ?? we got everything , we r superbly normal built creature .. only a blood disorder which could b handled very easily .. on other hand god gave us super abilities, as u know we thals don't need to go to school 365 days to get marvelous nno# and a good position in class .. yeah i never attended class and i was never been a student of 365 at home .... i always started study just 1 or 2 months  before final term and my stand in class was in first 5 ....  i never attended schoool regularly but i was  interested in doing something new ... i  built my own structure of broken toy's machinary in the age of 12 .. my cousins and my relatives when ever visited my room they remarked on my room " its looking like Dexter's lab " bcoze there were been wires tools macinary of broken toys and my own drawings and projects ... in the age of 12 i made a remote controle boat gues how ??..... yeah that was a broken remote controle car i used their machinary to make my own remote controle boat .... when i got computer i was 13 years old tince that time it has been 8 yearrs i never took my computer to anyone else to fix it if any prob took place in it ... i think its blessing of almighty ALLAH that he gave me personalty to impress people to my personalty... i cant even thanx for all the blessings of Allah . in-fact thanx is a very meanless word for wat my ALLAH have blessed me with ...  did u see around you ??... when a person got blind his inner eyes become's more stronger and he become's able to imagine and see more than the people who can see with eyes ..... There can't be injustice in the giving/blessing by Allah .....  check this post its an eye opener buddy ... http://www.thalassemiapatientsandfriends.com/index.php?topic=2346.0;highlight=mind ...
i hope you will never feel that again ...  life is a compete strugle for everyone in different ways , some are strugle for wealth some for health, some for good quiality of life by health and some by wealth ... its a strugle for everyone.... and for us as well .. strugle of life makes us feeling that we r alive .. same like people pinch their self when they feel that they r dreaming with open eyes , to make sure that they r awake .. its a pinch to our lives to make us feeling that we r still alive .....  i hope i made my point clear ...

TAke CAre
Sometimes , God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes , He breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes , He sends us pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes , He sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes , He sends us illness so we can take better care of our selves.
Sometimes , He takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything we have.



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Re: what do you think
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2008, 05:39:53 PM »

What a wonderful attitude buddy - all thals need to adopt that attitude.  It is this attitude that is helping you get healthier and to become a more valuable member here everyday.  God bless bro:) 


« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2008, 10:36:38 PM »
sorry guys i dont think we are normal. as i ve mentioned before we are extraordinary. god gave us thallasemia in the form of test because he knew that we were capable of passing it beside from this he also blessed us with some other remarkable qualities like umair told us about his.i dont know about what other qualities you all posses but i know about my abality which differs me from all the other normal beings is that i can convience any body and because of this abality i was able to come at the top of the list of abasadorship voluntears of novartis(asunra) recently
you guys took this all the way wrong but it was mutual topic not my suggestion or nor my belife
if i hurt your feelings i am sorry belive me it was not my intention to hurt you all
« Last Edit: December 30, 2008, 12:18:09 PM by diskjockey »


Offline Manal

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Re: what do you think
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2008, 10:42:31 PM »
Hi Diskjockey

No one on this whole world have everything ideal or to his best satisfaction. If you just looked around you will find that everyone has ''something '' to deal with, with different degrees. This ''something'' whether sickness, lack of money, lack of love, lack of insecurity, living in wars, not having children,........etc can occur all your life or in certain time in your life. What really differs is your attitude & acceptance towards this ''something'' .

Sometimes God has a secret or a certain wisdom behind it, that you may not know now or even if you don't get to know it, you will definetly be rewarded for it either in life or heaven. One example that comes to my mind is that of Dr. Mustafa el Sayed (an egyptian man who had been awarded one of the highest awards in the states for his significant research in cancer. This man will soon find a cure for cancer through the usage of gold and nano technology. This person wasn't in the first place a doctor but all hsi dedication was because his wife suffered from cancer)

Sometimes God test us and our acceptance and our continous faith in him in whatever he sends to us. There are dozens of examples which i can give you in this point.

The only thing that i want you to be sure of is that GOD DOES NOT GIVE YOU ANYTHING THAT YOU CAN NOT ENDURE.

Having a positive attitude is the only thing that differs. I know this is not always possible but when there are times of feeling down ( which always happen to me by the way  :biggrin you will find people like our family here that will pull you back and gives you the inspiration again

One last advice, is always expect the best from God, because if you do God will grant it to you, this is one of my relegious beliefs and also the main idea of one of a very interesting books called '' THE SECRET''.  Postive attitude attracts postive outcomes, try reading this book, it is said that it has changed the life of many.

Back to your original question, you don't have to be sick to be gifted, i truely believe that everyone in this world has a certain talent that you will get to know it if you only searched for it

Hope this helps



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Re: what do you think
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2008, 10:45:32 PM »
Hi diskjockey

Sorry i have posted my reply before reading your final one, so we have the same point of view :wink



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Re: what do you think
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2008, 04:31:18 AM »

 pls tell us a little more about "THE SECRET". Is it a religious book or is it literature?



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Re: what do you think
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2008, 05:35:01 AM »
Dear Lena

It is not a religious book. It is written by Rhonda Byrne and in this book she is talking about how to think positively, to become a magnet for the goal you desire, to use the law of attraction to draw your dreams closer. There is a film too in addition to the book.

You can check some links here about this book






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Re: what do you think
« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2008, 06:24:41 AM »
Dear Diskjockey,

I think we all agree with you that thalassemia patients have to make some sacrifices in life and they have to endure a lot of things.  At the same time they all seem to possess some very special gifts - it is quite amazing:) 

It is very nice to learn about all of your specials gifts, please keep sharing them because they are very inspiring and uplifting for other patients and parents.



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Re: what do you think
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2008, 09:43:35 AM »
Hi DJ ,
here r some quotes which i realy like .... i have mentioned somewhere in my post that it is (thalassemia) blessing on us , bcoze :
[bgcolor=#ffff00]Sickness wipes out your sins[/bgcolor]
.... its a quote but i dont remember the source of this quote .... soo its a Bblessing , thats wat my way of thinking is ...

[bgcolor=#ffff00]When my prays get answerd, i bcome happy bcoze that was my will, and when they dont get answered i feel more happy bcoze that was Allah's will  ( Hazrat Ali R.A ) ...[/bgcolor]

Soo try to stay happy always ..  and keep remember onething that is ;

[bgcolor=#fff500]Allah always gives one of the 3 answers to our prayers, 1.yes  2.yes but not now   3.i have a better plan for you ... there is no No , just have faith and keep praying ....[/bgcolor]
i hope i explained wat i wanted to say ...

Take Care
Sometimes , God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes , He breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes , He sends us pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes , He sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes , He sends us illness so we can take better care of our selves.
Sometimes , He takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything we have.


Re: what do you think
« Reply #11 on: December 31, 2008, 09:01:46 PM »
guys there iz no need of calling me DJ.feel free to take my name its ahmed i ve just chose username DJ becoze on all the other thal forum this was my user name so you see it was easy to remember.

Re: what do you think
« Reply #12 on: December 31, 2008, 09:20:25 PM »
guys just forget about this topic and tell me
do you agree with me that life is like a boxing match its not about how hard you hit its about how hard you get hit and u still keeps moving and payin it back


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: what do you think
« Reply #13 on: December 31, 2008, 09:39:35 PM »
Ahmed, you may be interested in something Lisa's mom once told me. Shirley runs the local chapter of the Cooley's Anemia Foundation and she has met her share of thals in her life. She told me that every thal she ever met had a talent. Lisa's was music. So, perhaps God has blessed thals with something special as a reward for being the ones who have to give so much over the centuries to save the populations from malaria. Without thal, malaria would have been even even more devastating, wiping out entire populations. The malaria virus does not thrive on the blood of thal carriers and this protected them. The cost being thal majors are born more frequently because carriers are now a higher percentage of the population that would be without malaria epidemics. So maybe thals are gifted in special ways.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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Re: what do you think
« Reply #14 on: January 01, 2009, 11:27:19 AM »
@ Andy
Thanx buddy for an encouraging reply ...

@ DJ
We should be happy that our ALLAH (GOD) is wanted send difficulties on us here in this world to to test us in this world , if we passed this test of life we will be ranked highly in here-after ...

@ ABout wat life is : my approach is  a different and funny one , here it is ..
Life is a Motorbike :
Life is like a motorbike ,
when you born = its just out to showroom
it will start  running when you just kick it , hhaha ,,,
as you are getting old, it will be old too , and ld motorbike trouble's more ...
here is a comparison :

1-10 year of your age = Bike is new and running smothly and its the time to only enjoy no tensions, no worries , just fun of riding it ...

10-15 years its another good time as you r used to with your bike and your having a good grip over it , its time to take the charge over it  , and to choose where you want to go ( future plans ) you may go where-ever you want to go , soo here's the journey began's ..

15-20 humm bike is old now and problematic ,,, you have to take care of it ,, hhahaha all you have to do is  "keep kicking it " and it will keep troubling but keep going  ... it is the most dangerous time, if you give's a chance to bike to take the charge of your journay ( handed over to life where ever it take's to you in other mean dont loose the courage ) situation will b worst but dont loose the courage ...

20-30 its the time life/bike is getting old and you have alot of responsiblities of not only your life but the others as well .. keep kicking and it will be running when you stopped kicking it it will not start again ( its mean that its the time to start anything like business or anytihng that is related to your future, it is the time you can do anything you planned , if you failed to accomplish your mission or achieve your goal in this era of your life , then you cant achieve anything ... ( if you kept running your 30 years old bike then wat is better than that )

30-40 ahh its time to enjoy your achivement and goals ,  your bike is old but still running  keep kicking it and it will start again ....

soo wat the abstract it is :
dont loose the courage if you feel the life's looking like stopped at a place then kick it up again ...
life is a contineous strugle , and this strugle give's us the sensation that we r alive ... if life doesn't give us pain then how do we feel that we r alive ... when you feel's amazed of anything happend which looks like impossible to happen , wat will b your first reaction , yeah , you will pinch your self to make that sure you are't dreaming , isn't it ??? .. soo pains of this lifes like that pinch to make s sure that we are still alive ....

soo , when-ever you want to start a journey ........ kick up your bike .... hahhaha

isn't it funy ????... it was a joke and i think that it was a bad joke ... hahhaha

Take care
Sometimes , God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes , He breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes , He sends us pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes , He sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes , He sends us illness so we can take better care of our selves.
Sometimes , He takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything we have.



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