Thanks for your concern, you guys. :hug
I've just been dealing with a lot of issues lately. I lost my favorite uncle last month unexpectedly at the age of 52, so I've been dealing with that and other stuff as well.
I've also been going to some doctors' appointments for my stomach issues, and will probably end up having surgery. I just don't know when. I have to go through some invasive tests before they make their final decision.
Sajid, I haven't been secretly watching you guys. hahaha. I checked in to see if I had any private messages, because I have been sending Thalassemia bracelets out to some members who wanted them, and I wanted to see if they had arrived or not. I haven't been able to read the posts here. I just saw this thread just now. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't have even known that Poirot made this thread if he hadn't PM'd me about it.
I hope you're all doing well. I haven't abandoned you all, I promise. I will be back around posting again. I just have a lot on my plate right now and I'm trying to deal with things. There's a lot going on in my personal life, and the emotional and physical stress is overwhelming.

I pray that you all are doing well in your lives!
Talk to you soon.