1st Patient to be treatd in Pune with unrelated allogeneic stem cell transplant

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Offline Parin

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From Iraq to Pune, that’s one cell call!

Toddler suffering from thalessemia is the first patient to be treated in Pune with unrelated allogeneic stem cell transplant


   Iraqi toddler Almaki Ridhadil was not in Pune for a fun visit. His parents had brought him to the city for thalessemia treatment. Hoping to find a bone marrow donor, they ended up going for unrelated allogeneic stem cell transplant and are now happy with the way their twoyear-old son is progressing.
Dr Vijay Ramanan, bone marrow transplant specialist at Ruby Hall Clinic, performed the procedure on Almaki for the first time in Pune.
In case of a thalessemia patient, a bone marrow transplant is considered to be the best mode of treatment. But in case of the toddler, this option did not work.
   Ramanan said, “When Almaki and his parents came to our hopital, we tested bone marrow stem cells of his parents and those of his sister and two brothers. But they did not match. Then we thought of getting an unrelated allogeneic cord blood stem cell donor. We got one from the cord blood bank which matched with Almaki’s stem cells. We performed this procedure a month back and after this first phase of transplant, the patient has shown great improvment. The white blood cell count has increased in his body. We are looking forward to more improvement in his health.”
   Ramanan added, “It is usually believed that autologous cord blood stem cell transplants (using the patient’s own stem cells) are useful for thales-semia patients. But unrelated allogeneic stem cell donors are the best option for those who have not preserved their cord blood stem cells.”
   Ramanan also stressed on the need for allogeneic stem cell donors and cord blood stem cell donors in India, to help thalassemia patients.
   Almaki’s mother Zainab said, “It was a great moment for me when we finally got the correct treatment for my younger son. We came to Pune with the hope that we will get the best treatment and now I am feeling relieved to see my son’t health improving so fast.”
Allogeneic stem cell transplants refer to stem cells that are taken from one person and given to another. With these transplants, the donor’s cells must match the recipient’s tissue type (much like a blood transfusion needing to match the blood type of the person receiving it).
   In many cases, the stem cell donor is related to the recipient, typically a brother or sister. However, stem cells from unrelated donors can be used if the tissue types match. It may also be possible to use cells from banked cord blood.

Little Almaki relaxes at Ruby Hall Clinic with his mother Zainab 


Offline Zaini

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That's great,I am really happy for this little boy.I hope he continues to do well.



Offline Sharmin

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Great news, I wish this boy a bright and healthy future :)



Offline Dori

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Offline nice friend

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Nice to hear that ,,,, i m happy for that guy .....

Sometimes , God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes , He breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes , He sends us pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes , He sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes , He sends us illness so we can take better care of our selves.
Sometimes , He takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything we have.



Offline kabir_love

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its good newz. is the treatemt safe?  is there any risk in this , i can think the same for my kid.. i guess..



Offline Sharmin

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Dear Micky,

CBT (cord blood transplant) is considered to be somewhat safer than bmt.  Again, with unrelated cbt there are many issues that must be considered - no transplant is completely safe and there are many risks.  If things go wrong, it can be fatal.  Preparation for transplant is very toxic, it can put children back many years in growth and development.  There may be many deficits resulting from the transplant - some of them may be neurological.  Perhaps, Khalifa can give you some advice because his son has gone through bmt.  I don't want to discourage you, but this is a procedure that must be chosen very carefully. 

These days, treatment for thal has advanced so much that it is better to keep children safe and healthy with transfusions, chelation, supplements and exercise.  I am hopeful that in the future gene therapy, some drug or a much safer method of transplant may be available.  For these reasons, we have decided against transplant for my child at this time.




Offline Zaini

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These days, treatment for thal has advanced so much that it is better to keep children safe and healthy with transfusions, chelation, supplements and exercise.  I am hopeful that in the future gene therapy, some drug or a much safer method of transplant may be available.  For these reasons, we have decided against transplant for my child at this time.

Mickey i totally agree with Sharmin,please take your time and think about it deeply that what will be more easy and beneficial for your child,transplant is not a very easy process and watching your child go through it must be very very disturbing,as Andy mentioned somewhere that Khalifa told him that if someone will ask him for BMT now,he'll run away screaming,so obviously its not easy to watch your child go throught that.

Think about it and let us know about your decision,we are all here to support you no matter what way you go. :hugfriend



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