Thal and Pregnancy

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Offline Zaini

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Re: Thal and Pregnancy
« Reply #15 on: July 10, 2009, 06:17:21 PM »

I am sorry but i didn't get any message last night,yes PM means Private message or IM as you can see on left side of your screen under my name,by clicking on this icon "IM" you can send me a private message,i did sent you a couple of PM did you get them?



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Re: Thal and Pregnancy
« Reply #16 on: July 14, 2009, 08:55:14 PM »
I haven't read all the messages, but when it comes to pregnancy, there is one important thing to remember:
don't let them vaccinate your new born child with mercury containing vaccines - which may occur right after giving birth.
There are already proofs that these vaccines are harmful, and a lot has been done to conceal the truth.

One of the links:

Bear in mind, that we all are probably vaccinated in this way, but now children are vaccinated even more frequently....

I've seen a few other threads on pregnancy, I hope this news will reach other pregnant women from the other threads. And this is actually good news for you, because you can do something about. So many people did not have this chance.



Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Thal and Pregnancy
« Reply #17 on: July 14, 2009, 09:50:10 PM »
Many parents have seen normal children suddenly become autistic after being vaccinated. Of course, the mercury industry has had such power that they have been able to keep this information suppressed and belittled. To the parent of the autistic child, they can see themselves cause and effect but the medical industry is not about to agree and expose themselves to the monstrous lawsuits that would follow.

Mercury is a deadly poison and should not be ingested by any means.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Manal

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Re: Thal and Pregnancy
« Reply #18 on: July 15, 2009, 03:32:24 AM »
Thanks so much for sharing this information. This is really scary, but from what i read, there are no alternatives for these important vaccines??'''

Is there a way, children who have gone through all these vaccines to get rid of mercury toxcicity?? :huh

« Last Edit: July 15, 2009, 03:50:39 AM by Manal »


Offline Zaini

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Re: Thal and Pregnancy
« Reply #19 on: July 15, 2009, 05:40:23 AM »
I never heard that before  :( so much emphasis is put on kids getting vaccinated,its like a very crusial thing,ads are played on tv ,in newspapers,are there any particular vaccines containing mercury or all of them are this way  ???



Offline Bigg

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Re: Thal and Pregnancy
« Reply #20 on: July 16, 2009, 07:44:15 AM »
I never heard that before  :( so much emphasis is put on kids getting vaccinated,its like a very crusial thing,ads are played on tv ,in newspapers,are there any particular vaccines containing mercury or all of them are this way  ???

So many questions and so little time to answer them... I will be brief, the detailed description can be found by searching the keywords from my description.

Mercury in vaccices:
Here is the list (2007 year) of vaccines contatining and not containing mercury:
Allowed dosage of mercury is 0,1 ug per day per kilogram of body. For a young child the daily dosage is thus 0,3 ug.
Some of the vaccines contain 50 ug of mercury - 150 times more than allowed dosage.
Total dose in first 18 months of life (in some countries) may be as high as 250 μg Hg, but the greatest threat is by vaccines given in the first few hours of life - imagine that - little child is poisoned during first few hours of life!

Detoxication of mercury (chelation):
There are protocols of mercury chelation - these are based on chelators used by conventional doctor in case of acute mercury poisoning. However the very same doctors do not believe that something like vaccine poisoning or amalgam poisoning exists, although right now there is some pretty convincing evidence. These protocols are successfully used by parents of autistic children to help their children. If somebody would like to employ such protocols, there is one thing to remember - you have to remove amalgam teeth fillings, because chelators mobilize mercury from everywhere so it may be mobilized from teeth into bloodstrem - that we would like to avoid. Amalgam removal has to be done in proper way - so that it is not drilled and sprayed in the air and so that quite a lot of tooth near it is removed.
We of all people should know a lot about chelators, as majors take chelators to remove iron from the bloodstream. I wonder if this chelators are effective in removing mercury and is taking another chelators aloowed, when somebody is already taking one.

Other poisons in vaccines:
- Alluminium hydroxide - even when there is no mercury, there is still alluminium hydroxide, another poison
- Foreign bodies, like proteins from other animals, viruses attacking animals, chicken egg proteins and so on. These may cause leukemia (immune system is activated with these patogens during first few hours of life), autoimmune-neurological problems, allergy - young child is not allowed to drink cow's milk, but it is vaccinated REPEATEDLY with the same foreign proteins. Is there any sense in doing this? Here you can find more details (although there are a few sentences that undermine the reliability of the whole article, but it's worth reading anyway):

Vaccination itself:
Some of the scientists say that there are too many vaccines used. In such a great number, they put enormous stress on child's immune system. It's just as if the child was suffering from a few different diseases simultanously and then again and again and again a few at one moment, when in nature one child will suffer from only one disease at one moment and over longer periods of time (tens of years not tens of months).
Unfortunately now children get vaccines for eveything instead for a few most popular diseases. So what if one child in many gets sick? But it's cheaper for healthcare system and better for vaccine companies to vaccinate everyone, no matter the consequences.

Of course, vaccines undoubtedly have advantages too. They provide immunity against many diseases. But they should be used wisely.
Wisely means:
-without mercury in the first place
-vaccination against only most popular diseases in particular country
-accordingly with schedule for wise vaccination (these can be found somewhere, I hope)
-with vaccines that do not have many side effects (some of the vaccines have more, some fewer)

These all recommendations need to be checked. But consider yourselves warned! Spread the word in your own countries.
These all recommendations need to be adjusted individually. So a lot of research has to be done. Beware of quackery, as this is area that alternative medicine is very fond of. But there is also a lot of real research available and almost everything can be checked. Beware also of vaccine company sponsored research - this research is usually flawed by design, although claims to be real science.



Offline Manal

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Re: Thal and Pregnancy
« Reply #21 on: July 20, 2009, 03:11:49 AM »
Thanks so much Bigg for this informative post. I am so much interested in researching more and more in this though both my children has finished all their vaccines and definetly they contain thimerosal :wah ( we are considered developing countries and for sure vaccines with thimerosal are being circulated here)

In such a great number, they put enormous stress on child's immune system. It's just as if the child was suffering from a few different diseases simultanously and then again and again and again a few at one moment, when in nature one child will suffer from only one disease at one moment and over longer periods of time (tens of years not tens of months
It is very strange how we usually take things for granted and many of us just don't think that it is senseless to have all these vaccines in just the first two years of the child life and definetly this is exhausting to the immune system. 

By coincedenc i was watching Oprah and she was interviewing Jenny McCarthy who wrote the book ''Louder Than Words: A Mother's Journey in Healing Autism'' and she also spoke that a vaccine shot was the reason for triggering autism in her child.

Off topic:

Jenny McCarthy gave hope to all mothers who have children with Autism that it could be reversible by many techinques that is wriiten in her book. It may not work for everyone but worth trying.

One of them is a suitable diet and it was found that cutting wheat and dairy products helped her child after only two weeks to start using some words to express some thoughts.

It is again suitable nutrition which seems to play an important role not only in thal but other fields too


im need your advice please.....
« Reply #22 on: January 21, 2010, 03:01:55 PM »
hii mudz from malaysia.i read many outstanding thread here.its really amazing and i think cant be write by ordinary people.atcually i got several question and hope u can answer for me..:
1)im doing thal test and doc said i have it alpha or beta thal carrier?im really confused.
2)my wife have alpha thal trait.what are chance our baby got thal major?\we go to genetic counceling and doc said its only 1% we got major thal baby.
3)my baby(30days old) hb rate drop from 13(2nd day after delivered) to 8(3day ago).is it a sign of thal major?
4)my baby have prolonged jaundice until bilirubin only 111 but direct bilirubin is 74% of it a symthom of thal?
 i read in this site that thal major symptom only occor after 3month of it true?

im really need your in malaysia few support group to get opinion..tq

Re: Thal and Pregnancy
« Reply #23 on: March 24, 2010, 02:13:47 AM »
Salam Mudz,

I'm a new member here and also staying in Malaysia. Firstly, I am very sorry about your baby condition and I did have same experienced with my baby when she was about 3months old. The doc found that my baby's eyes were a bit offwhite(not clear white as they supposed). I am a Beta Thal carrier and my husband was just found having Hb E after my baby's born.

Yes, it is true. In Malaysia I found very less supports on Thal cases. To tell you the truth, I can't answer all your questions but my advise is you should do through check up on your baby. I supposed now he/she is more than 5 months. The only time we can get to know the exact condition of the baby is when she/he turns 1 year old.

As for now, my baby is 16months old and she's very active and healthy. I went to pediactric on her 1 yr old bday and the doc said it seems like our baby is in good condition. I am hoping and praying hard that she will be a healthy person.

Mudz, pray hard to God cos He will help us!


Offline akka1981

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Re: Thal and Pregnancy
« Reply #24 on: November 21, 2010, 06:37:03 PM »
Dear Friends,

Have any of tha majors undergone infertility treatment or rather been pregnant in India. I hope to leave to Craft Hospital in Cochin on 6th Dec ( seeking treatment for infertility inorder to try for a pregnancy. Have any of u with Diabetics been pregnant. How were you all treated. Were u abe to conceive after hormone treatment or did u all have to undergo IVF, ICSI Etc.

Please i need replies from you all.


Offline Zaini

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Re: Thal and Pregnancy
« Reply #25 on: November 23, 2010, 08:03:45 AM »
Hi Akka,

I am sorry i don't know anyone in this situation,but i wanna wish you luck :goodluck  :hugfriend .



Offline Manal

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Re: Thal and Pregnancy
« Reply #26 on: November 25, 2010, 12:29:22 AM »
Best of luck akka, hope you get answers from thal mums. All i know is that you should try as much as possible to lower the iron levels in order to help in all the issues concering fertility :hugfriend



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Re: Thal and Pregnancy
« Reply #27 on: November 25, 2010, 02:39:53 PM »

  Thanks Zaini and Manal. Inshallah am trying my best to lower fertain levels. Tgc.


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