Mohanish and his transplant

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Offline Madhavi

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Re: Mohanish and his transplant
« Reply #270 on: October 29, 2010, 05:15:08 AM »
Thank you Joyce....!
Love and luck to all...


Offline Madhavi

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Re: Mohanish and his transplant
« Reply #271 on: October 29, 2010, 06:51:45 AM »
Dear friends,

Today is a special day in our lives...
Mohanish completes one year of his transplant today...

Today, we wish to share our joy and gratitude with all you friends...

We are thankful to the Almighty who blessed us with such lovely children and friends like you.

We are thankful to have this angel Masumi in our lives, who has not only been a source of love and joy but also had a divine mission to cure her brother.

Words will never be able to do justice to what we feel for our dear Dr.Chunfu Li. He has been a friend, a guide and an angel in our lives. We owe him the peaceful sleep that our family sleeps daily and the decreased hospital visits! He has not only cared for Mohanish as a patient but also blessed him in his own special way!
Also an extension of this gratitude to his entire team at Nanfang Hospital...They have done their duty, they say; but to us it was a boon and a blessing!

The whole experience that we went through was not easy in any way. Right from the monetary part, to the actual happening of the whole thing which seemed so easy on paper and in thoughts, to the support required during that period and the follow ups. It was a big decision and we did not think much about all this when we took that decision. But luckily for us, things fell into place. They did fall into place because we had the love, blessings and support of family and friends.

A special mention of our parents who have been there with us through it all through their prayers, visits to holy places, their guidance, their understanding, their efforts-physical and mental and of course their blessings. My mother was here with us personally for almost a year and helped us in each possible way and beyond her means without caring for her own health and age constraints. We know that God sent her to be with us because He personally could not do so!Thank you, Mummy!And my father and brother were virtually with us through their daily (sometimes many calls a day) phone calls...Manoj's mother,brother and sisters were also with us through their intermittent calls and messages... They did boost our confidence and patience and helped us cope with those times.

And all you friends. Some of you whom we have just known through the internet. You have shared the whole experience with us- prayed for us, cried and smiled with us, supported us with such honest and true concern... Yours have been the most selfless support-with nothing but our goodwill in mind. You have helped us by being in our lives and knowing just what to do to support us in just the right way! If we begin listing, the list would never end...but we are grateful to all of you for all your love and support...It is tough to express here how lost we would have been without you all....
We would like to make a special mention of Sudhir,Alwyn, Even and Vidya who were with us like family.They made our lives a part of their own-literally! They did not think twice when it came to lending a hand-monetarily as well...Money anyone can lend, but lending it without a second thought and with so much love is a big thing indeed...The financial debt has been cleared off long ago, but the emotional one will go with us till the very end!
Our Chinese friends- Jiejie and Najia and their family were with us in whatever way we would need them. There were no barriers of language or nationality but only bonds of love that grew even stronger....No matter how much Chinese we learnt to say our umpteen 'Xie xie's(thank-yous)they would still not suffice!
Also there were regular visits and phone calls of our friends-Kemble-Zallari,Naresh-Jahnavi,Shachi-Akshaya. Such seemingly tiny strands of support became a huge source of strength...!
Also our office staff-Maggie and Cleo who did their bit in it all!
We would  like to mention our online friends at The whole thalpal family has a special role in Mohanishs life-he sure is special to have got so many aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters all at once!You all have made a huge difference with those regular posts at this thread...We have mentioned it many a times and will do so each chance given-we are really lucky to have found you all!
And all our friends in India and the world over-who were there with us by phone or emails or messages.Too many to name yet a few I do mention-Aditi, Ajitha, Girish, Joseph and Sumedh.

We thank you all as we savour this joy of life... We are happy to have wonderful people like you all in our lives to have seen us through tough times and bless us in these good ones...You have been there for us in those times, and today we take time out to feel blessed all over again as we revisit that era!
Today, we take a chance to say a prayer and thank God for all that he has given us. We count our blessings-you all!

May this kind of love and humanity keep growing...May we all be blessed...

Lots of love to you all....
Madhavi and Manoj
(and Mohanish and Masumi)

Love and luck to all...

Re: Mohanish and his transplant
« Reply #272 on: March 13, 2012, 04:33:51 PM »
dear madhavi,

best of luck.



Offline Madhavi

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Re: Mohanish and his transplant
« Reply #273 on: July 19, 2012, 03:28:51 AM »
Thank you, Imran!
Love and luck to all...


Offline Pratik

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Re: Mohanish and his transplant
« Reply #274 on: July 20, 2012, 12:14:57 PM »
How is Mohanish doing now? :)
Every child is special.


Offline joyce

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Re: Mohanish and his transplant
« Reply #275 on: September 30, 2012, 03:23:54 PM »
Ya.. How's he know?? please update.. :wink

Re: Mohanish and his transplant
« Reply #276 on: November 07, 2014, 05:52:26 AM »
best of luck


Offline Sharmin

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Re: Mohanish and his transplant
« Reply #277 on: November 07, 2014, 04:29:21 PM »
Joyce and Pratik,

I haven't heard from Madhavi in a while but I think Mohanish is doing well.  Praying for he and his blessing sister to have long and healthy lives.




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Re: Mohanish and his transplant
« Reply #278 on: November 15, 2014, 07:43:30 AM »
Yes, we all were part of Mohanish's worries and in a way, shared his agonies a year ago.
All the best for Mohanish and his family,


Offline Madhavi

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Re: Mohanish and his transplant
« Reply #279 on: October 13, 2020, 12:55:08 PM »
Warm greetings to everyone at this wonderful group.
I have often questioned myself about not visiting the group again, reprimanded myself for doing that. I had too many mixed feelings about doing so. I logged in today after a very long time and realised that I had missed quite a few messages. Apologies for that!
This post, I now realise as I sit back and look into the times that have gone by, was written 11 years ago. Mohanish completes 11 years of his transplant this year, in another fortnight. He is a tall handsome 14 year old boy with a mind of his own and studies in grade 9 in Vadodara, Gujarat, India. His sister, Masumi is a pretty young woman of 12 years and studies in grade 7. Puberty has hit them both and you guys can only imagine how that leaves me to tackle them or rather not!
They are only reminded of this aspect of their lives when we mention it to them. It all seems such a distant past, even to us. But today as I sat reading it, I felt the goosebumps again, had tears in my eyes again. I realised how lucky we were that we were blessed to have angels like you, with us, praying and sending your good wishes.
I send a warm virtual hug to everyone, more than what family or friends can mean. You guys have all been truly selfless and may you all stay blessed with a lot of love, happiness and peace.
Will try and upload some of his relatively recent images for you all. (He hates the camera he says and does not want to be photographed. His selfies at social sites don't count in these!)
Lots and lots of love to all of you,
Love and luck to all...


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Mohanish and his transplant
« Reply #280 on: October 26, 2020, 09:32:11 PM »

It is so good to hear from you and learn that your children are doing well. I love the follow ups to know that a BMT worked well. It is such a blessing. I hope everyone continues to do well.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Mohanish and his transplant
« Reply #281 on: August 19, 2021, 07:04:48 AM »
It is such a glad news that Mohanish is living a wonderful life. My son who is now 4 and half years old received a BMT but was not successful at age of 2 at The Aga Khan University Hospital Karachi Pakistan. We are planning to get a second BMT if possible. We will be thankful if you could guide on where you son received BMT and who was the doctor and how can we contact the doctor and hospital. Thanks and all the best to Mohanish..


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