ferritin 2235

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Offline qys81

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ferritin 2235
« on: July 27, 2011, 04:37:07 AM »
Hi, a girl 2 and half years old, 12.5kg, her ferrtin is 2235 now. The doctor said it is a bit high, should be under 1500.

She was on  desferal 3 times a week, the rest days she was on film-coated tables deferiprone half tablet in the morning, and half at night. Because at that time she did not have a pump, must use injection.

Since last month, she has a pump, she is on desferal 5 times a week. But the ferrtin is still 2235. Because she lives in rural area, she can only gets ferttin level checked every few month when she travels to big city.

The doctor think 5 times a week is enough, asked her to come in 3 month, but the mother is a bit worried about it, do you guys have any suggestions?

Re: ferritin 2235
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2011, 05:53:58 PM »

The ferritin level of 2235 is not acceptable. The appropriate level in most countries is less than 500. If her desferal dose is increased recently, than it will take some time before ferritin level comes down. The important thing is not to miss the desferal dosage.

The doctor can best advise how much of desferal is needed. I hope the best in three months time.


Offline Lena

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Re: ferritin 2235
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2011, 06:04:00 PM »
qys81 hi,

I would like to stress out something: thalassemia is no more a life threatening disease. Please inform the mother of the 3-year-old baby that if she cares to apply good chelation for her son, things will turn out normal in his life. Do not fear.
Ferritin must certainly be under 500, whatsmore nowadays it is widely accepted a ferritin rate of about 100, which is really normal for anyone let alone a thallasemic.
Tell the mother to focus on a low ferritin level and a good HB and inform her we are here to reply to her questions.



Offline qys81

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Re: ferritin 2235
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2011, 08:29:33 AM »
This is not for the boy, for another girl, the boy's mother's friend, they met in hospital as they all have kid that thals major.
The girl's ferritin level is 2235. You guys all think ferritin should under 500? Why the doctor said, 1500.

The result said " 2235.8 ng/ml", I don't know if you guys use the same "ng/ml".

May be because normally in my country, the children with thals major usually do bone marrow transplant before 10, so the doctors is not very restrictly about the ferritin.


Offline qys81

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Re: ferritin 2235
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2011, 08:34:27 AM »
And the mother told me, the doctor said if ferritin under 1000, do not need chelation, This may afect the growth of the child, I wonder if it is different standards for adult and children.


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