Inducing Fetal Hemoglobin Production in Beta Thalassemia

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Offline Nur

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Re: Inducing Fetal Hemoglobin Production in Beta Thalassemia
« Reply #15 on: October 06, 2006, 04:14:48 AM »
Way to go Andy! :cheer

We definitely need to move up from this forum where someone has to come and find us; to something that can make our voice heard mandatory globally.

Guess what? All the bad things in the world is getting all the global attention which should not happen in the first place while important issues aren't being addressed at all. Maybe we need to play bad too? :plot :evilplan

This is something that TIF or other Thal. associations should do! I guess it's time we make our own Thal. association with an array of global volunteers to access their local media.

Take care, Peace!

I am agree with you Sajid.  I am excited just by thinking if someday we can form an association of our own.  :veil I am sure there are others in this forum have the expirience for running an association.

I really think that there should be a little bit of an 'evil plot' to get things done.  :bat Plus, i think getting famous names and celebrities really can give the much needed attention. For example, when you mention the name Angelina Jolie, you can't help to think about her invovement in UN. That shows how important it is to get big names involved.

This thing is really hard to get started but when it is sucessful, things can get much beautiful afterwards  :love

 :heartred :heartpink



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Re: Inducing Fetal Hemoglobin Production in Beta Thalassemia
« Reply #16 on: October 07, 2006, 04:57:31 AM »

Its officially done.I took your advice and I wrote every news station in Phoenix regarding Thal.and raising awareness.


    Umm.... Ma'am have you checked the PM that I sent you?

Take care, Peace!
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Offline Christine Mary

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Re: Inducing Fetal Hemoglobin Production in Beta Thalassemia
« Reply #17 on: October 07, 2006, 06:44:16 AM »
hi sajid!
there is no private message!

Lauryn's Mom


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