Yes Poirot, conditions are not that great in Northern India, it could be due to the number of cases increasing every day.
And it is all due to unawareness. When govt can do leprosy campaigns, HIV then there should be initiation for imparting knowledge on this disorder to young couples who are just about to get married.
We need to spread the word around to maximum number of people about this.
Hi Poo,
It is very distressing to know that the conditions in North India are not great .... (especially since north india politicians appropriate so much of south india tax money

). Of course, conditions in south were also not that great 15 years back, but I think availability of care has spread much more rapidly due to better quality governance.
About spreading awareness, and I have had this debate with a few people from TIF Delhi, as well, at the Pune conference ....... my view is that you should not rely on the government to spread awareness. This is because thal issues come way down in priority list for the Indian government (and in my view, rightly so) because the government has to deal with many more pressing health issues such as AIDS, Malaria, water-borne diseases, infant mortalities in India and it has only limited resources. Although, it is tough luck for us thals that the govt can not give us the same attention as it does with its polio and malaria eradication campaigns, I think it is only right from a numbers perpsective.
So, it is up to US ..... to spread the word AND act. And, I thank Andy/Danielle for this website and Ashish for his website ( as steps in that direction. We need to raise money privately through NGOs and charities to help Thals who can not afford medication, we need to get the better hematologists to travel through the country to raise the knowledge levels of other doctors, we need to hold smaller conferences in many more cities and invite all the GPs from these cities to attend and learn about Thal. That is how we can raise awareness and create a groundswell for action.
I remember, at the Pune conference, sitting with George and some thals from other cities and discussing issues that affect them, when this gentleman from Ahmedabad walks up to us and asks how can we get all couples who intend to get married to do the test that identifies the thal trait. So, I shared some experiences from Bengal about how a Thal association there involved the matchmakers (who do the horoscopes, etc) and got them to insist on all prospective couples to do this test. It has taken time for this idea to be accepted but acceptance has grown to a level where an association of pujaris (!) said that they will not conduct the marrriage rites unless the groom and bride produced the test reports! But, no, this was not acceptable to our man - he wanted some magic bullet to get everybody to just do this now! HELLOOOO!!! There are NO magic bullets .... you want to raise awareness? Do the work required for it ..... you don't want to do it? Don't crib about it then. The govt has loads of other issues to tackle ... what makes you so special?
And, this brings me back to my core point:
It is up to us.
We CAN improve our quality of life if we work together, instead of waiting for the govt to do something about it. We can bolster each other's morale (as we are doing here), we can point each other to resources that are already available, we can share our experiences and our knowledge (and, believe you me that collectively we know more about Thal than the doctors - my doctor and I usually have a discussion about treatments, it's not a one-way process) and we can raise money together. The last is very important. If we can raise money directly for Thal causes, by getting Thals involved directly, then our control on our lives increase that much.
TIF in India, are you listening???