
  • 4 Replies
« on: January 13, 2013, 06:33:45 PM »
Hi! I'm new to the group. I am 31 and have thal minor. I have known about it since college- was tested after thinking I probably had it because my mom has it and so did my grandpa. The only thing I ever really knew about it was that I shouldn't take iron supplements, and that during my mother's pregnancies (3), she had a total of 21 transfusions.

Ever since I was very little, I have fainted. I've fainted in every circumstance- normal day doing nothing much, being at the gym, socializing with friends, while being sick, etc. Last night, we were at church and I felt fine before going- in the first 15 minutes (during singing) I felt faint and had to sit down- this didn't help so we ended up leaving. This has happened many times at church (which is very odd), during weddings, etc.. and I don't think it has anything to do with standing for long periods of time (as I'm a teacher and stand ALL day and have never fainted at school!). I was just wondering if anyone else experiences this and if it could be related to thal. I've been through so much testing- even have a blood sugar monitor... I was told I am sodium deficient (and the dr. I had at the time literally said, "just carry pickle juice in your purse.") and that might be the cause, I've also been to a neurologist, etc. Now I'm just beginning to wonder if it is a form of anxiety or panic attack as I feel l can talk myself in/or out of the fainting (that sounds nuts, i know!).

Anyone with thal minor have these same "fainting" episodes? My mom said that she did- but only when she was pregnant. This  wouldn't explain the episodes throughout my life. Just looking for answers!

Thanks for your help!


Offline Pratik

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Re: fainting
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2013, 07:35:04 PM »
Hi! I'm new to the group. I am 31 and have thal minor. I have known about it since college- was tested after thinking I probably had it because my mom has it and so did my grandpa. The only thing I ever really knew about it was that I shouldn't take iron supplements, and that during my mother's pregnancies (3), she had a total of 21 transfusions.

Ever since I was very little, I have fainted. I've fainted in every circumstance- normal day doing nothing much, being at the gym, socializing with friends, while being sick, etc. Last night, we were at church and I felt fine before going- in the first 15 minutes (during singing) I felt faint and had to sit down- this didn't help so we ended up leaving. This has happened many times at church (which is very odd), during weddings, etc.. and I don't think it has anything to do with standing for long periods of time (as I'm a teacher and stand ALL day and have never fainted at school!). I was just wondering if anyone else experiences this and if it could be related to thal. I've been through so much testing- even have a blood sugar monitor... I was told I am sodium deficient (and the dr. I had at the time literally said, "just carry pickle juice in your purse.") and that might be the cause, I've also been to a neurologist, etc. Now I'm just beginning to wonder if it is a form of anxiety or panic attack as I feel l can talk myself in/or out of the fainting (that sounds nuts, i know!).

Anyone with thal minor have these same "fainting" episodes? My mom said that she did- but only when she was pregnant. This  wouldn't explain the episodes throughout my life. Just looking for answers!

Thanks for your help!
Hi Sk, welcome to thalpal.

Thal minors can have low stamina and I've heard this from various places and even on this site. But that doesn't stop you! I'm thal major and despite of it, I've never fainted in my whole life. My mom and dad are both minors, obviously, and then are very active, even more active than the younger generations these days. Their day starts at 6:30 in the morning and ends around 23:30 (11:30 PM) and they've never fainted or felt such thing as well. There are various supplements that can help you keep going. The most two common ones are B-Complex and Vitamin E. Also folic acid. They all have antioxidant properties and help with fatigue problems.


Every child is special.

Re: fainting
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2013, 08:25:17 PM »
I fainted once when I was about 6 yrs old. I have had 4 pregnancies and I remember with the last one I felt like I was going to faint when I was about 5 months along. I saw spots and got very hot every time i tried to stand and walk. It passed. I never knew why it happened. I would just make sure your eating enough and drinking enough. Also, if you have not had you levels checked lately (b-12, D, hemoglobin and ferritin, ect.) I would get them checked. Hope you find the cause!!  If you are in panic mode just before it is about to happen maybe it is anxiety related. I have found magnesium to help with mine. Good luck and I hope you find answers :)


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: fainting
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2013, 10:59:52 PM »
Hi sk1028,

We hear much about minors having issues with dizziness, light-headedness and fainting. Most minors have low blood pressure, so maintaining a good mineral balance and staying hydrated at all times are quite important. Sodium, potassium and magnesium are all involved. Magnesium, folic acid, B vitamins and vitamin E are all needed for building and maintaining red blood cells.

I often suffer from dehydration. To combat this, I try to hydrate during all waking hours. Make sure that when you are at events where you are having problems, that you are staying hydrated and that you have consumed something salty. I often eat salt straight, as it immediately begins to rectify the faint foggy feeling I get when dehydrated. Some water and salt and I start to feel normal again. If I'm going to be out where it's hot, I take salt packets with me.

It's not in your head. In fact, think about your mom having a total of 21 transfusions when pregnant (has she ever had her iron levels measured?), and you will realize that the symptoms of thal minor are not made up. Because your mom has had what would be considered a severe thal phenotype for a minor during pregnancy, I suggest you pay close attention to the nutritional advice given in these posts.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: fainting
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2013, 04:12:59 PM »
Thank you so much for your responses! I appreciate the time you took and the feedback I have been given. What a great site! I've been "in the dark" about much of this and I've now found myself reading posts/info/etc. on this site for hours.

Thank you so much!


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