Dr. Tang Her Jaing of Chang Gung Memorial Hosp, Taiwan

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Offline joyce

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Dr. Tang Her Jaing of Chang Gung Memorial Hosp, Taiwan
« on: January 05, 2014, 08:54:23 AM »
I will positively, highly recommended Dr. Tang Her Jaing of Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Taiwan
for his expertise in unrelated cordblood transplant.
He treated my boys without complication and successfully freed them from Thalasemia.
He was very excellent in his field!

Regards fm Joyce!


Offline aabha

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Re: Dr. Tang Her Jaing of Chang Gung Memorial Hosp, Taiwan
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2014, 04:10:08 PM »
i totally agree :yes


Offline joyce

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Re: Dr. Tang Her Jaing of Chang Gung Memorial Hosp, Taiwan
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2014, 02:34:57 PM »
Dear aabha ... Tq.
How was your son?Been ages since my last chat with you...


Offline aabha

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Re: Dr. Tang Her Jaing of Chang Gung Memorial Hosp, Taiwan
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2014, 01:07:07 PM »
Hi Joyce
My son is doing well....he will start school this year.His immunisation also has been completed :smiley
we thank God and Dr.Jaing everyday.
love and best wishes


Offline Himanshu Kumar

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Re: Dr. Tang Her Jaing of Chang Gung Memorial Hosp, Taiwan
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2014, 03:19:50 PM »
Hi Joyce,

Trust little Jovy one is doing fine. Since you have been to Taiwan fairly recently, I would like to understand the following from you

1. Cost of buying cord from Stemcyte (cost of 1 cord)
2. Hospitalisation and treatment cost (for 1 child)

Regular transfusion, Keeping pre transfusion HB above 10 and Iron Chelation are the three mantras for thals to stay healthy.


Offline Himanshu Kumar

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Re: Dr. Tang Her Jaing of Chang Gung Memorial Hosp, Taiwan
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2016, 06:53:56 AM »
My Dear Friends,

I am posting this news with great joy that my daughter Aditi, 4.5 yrs now, who was born with Thalassemia has been cured by cord blood transplant carried out by Dr. Jaing in Chang Gung Hospital Taiwan. It has been over a year since she was transplanted and she is doing very well and has been transfusion free for the last one year. It was through this website that I first came to know about Dr. Jaing and CBT.

Dr. Jaing is exceptional in this field and I have met/spoken to few parents who have been to CGMH Taiwan in the past and have come back after successful transplantation. Dr. Jaing's success rate is at par with traditional BMT.

I would like to thank you all and this forum for all the guidance and support I have received in the last four years.

In case any one needs information, do get in touch with me. Albiet silent, I am very much an active visitor on this website.

Best wishes,
Regular transfusion, Keeping pre transfusion HB above 10 and Iron Chelation are the three mantras for thals to stay healthy.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Dr. Tang Her Jaing of Chang Gung Memorial Hosp, Taiwan
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2016, 11:27:45 PM »
That's great news. Himanshu! I'm very happy for you and your family.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Sharmin

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Re: Dr. Tang Her Jaing of Chang Gung Memorial Hosp, Taiwan
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2016, 10:27:44 PM »
Such great news Himanshu!  Wishing your daughter every happiness and great health going forward :) :)



Offline Bostonian_04

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Re: Dr. Tang Her Jaing of Chang Gung Memorial Hosp, Taiwan
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2016, 03:11:41 AM »
Thank you Himanshu for sharing such a wonderful news with us. Wishing your daughter a healthy , happy life. May all her dreams come true!

please do tell us what was the cost of the treatment and the stay in Taiwan for the treatment. did your daughter had any complications?
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes ? - Plato


Offline Himanshu Kumar

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Re: Dr. Tang Her Jaing of Chang Gung Memorial Hosp, Taiwan
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2016, 04:29:55 AM »

Dear Sharmin/Bostonian,

Thank you all for being part of and sharing my joy. Indeed the happiness grows manifold and sorrows halve when shared. Amen for your wishes and wish lots of love luck and happiness to all friends here.

The cost of treatment was 70K USD last year excluding the cord blood cost. The actual cost of cord blood was 24k usd. The cost has increased now and the treatment cost is close to 90k USD now excluding cord blood cost.

Our cord was sourced from US Stemcyte and it was a partial 4/6 match. As per Dr. Jaing there is no difference in result between partial or full match in CBT.

The total stay in Taiwan was 5 months out of which three months were spent in hospital itself. The total hospitalisation duration for daughter was 94 days and it took agonising 24 days for cord blood to engraft. The usual time is 14 - 25 days for engraftment. I would not say my daughter had severe complication but yes she did get skin GVHD and fever post transplant which is natural to expect. Infact, Dr. Jaing wanted the GVHD to happen as it heralds engraftment. She used to complain of stomach ache after chemo but only for a week. She did not have loose motion etc. At no point in time we felt that Dr. Jaing was not in control and he would pre-empt almost all of the problems. Her fever post transplant persisted for more than a month but she would get fever on days when steroids were not administered. We did not have much complication once we were out of hospital barring one instance of fever couple of months back which happened to be a viral fever and had nothing to do with BMT, though it did give us a scare.

We took enormous precaution once we brought her home especially in India. We kept her isolated as much as possible, she did not see the outside world for almost 9-10 months, we sanitised our house twice a week, did not allow friends and neighbour, including our family member, to visit us. We would not even touch her without sanitising our hands,  Installed HEPA air filter at home etc..

If I compare CBT and BMT, I would say CBT possibly has lesser complication as GVHD is limited to skin that looks like mild rashes which goes away in a 7-10 days. However, the engraftment takes longer time in CBT compared to BMT.

Along with my daughter, another Indian girl received transplant for Thalassemia in Taiwan at the same time, She is also back in India after successful transplant. Couple of Indian patients are lined up for transplant in May this year and my best wishes are with them.

Today it is almost 14 months post transplant for my daughter and we are looking forward to sending her to school from July onwards.

Regular transfusion, Keeping pre transfusion HB above 10 and Iron Chelation are the three mantras for thals to stay healthy.


Offline JV

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Re: Dr. Tang Her Jaing of Chang Gung Memorial Hosp, Taiwan
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2016, 12:41:14 PM »
Thank you for sharing your journey with us and continued prayers....


Offline Bostonian_04

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Re: Dr. Tang Her Jaing of Chang Gung Memorial Hosp, Taiwan
« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2016, 07:40:05 PM »
Himanshu, Thank you so much for your reply to my question. You guys went through a lot and so happy to see that positive outcome. God bless your daughter and your family.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes ? - Plato

Re: Dr. Tang Her Jaing of Chang Gung Memorial Hosp, Taiwan
« Reply #12 on: June 07, 2019, 08:24:47 PM »
Thank you so much for sharing your experience.. I wish I have read it more carefully prior to BMT of my 2 year old boy at Aga Khan University Hospital Pakistan.. Its now 5 months and 10 days since his transplant and his Hemoglobin dropped twice below 7 in two months interval.. Donor cell chimerism shows only 21% cells.. His donor is his elder sister who is 10/10 HLA match, a complete match.. He got a gut GVHD which is cured but still Blood Occult in stool.. I have no idea now what to do.. we are completely lost..

He is otherwise quite fine clinically.. If anyone of you could contact Dr Jaing regarding this issue and regarding second BMT or Cor Blood transplant under Dr Jaing in future...   


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