What supplements are you taking to fight your Thal minor symptoms, and effects?

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Just would like to ask what supplements are you taking to fight your Thal minor symptoms, and effects for sharing purposes. Comments on the supplement are also welcome. Mine are as follows:
Supplement: Iberet Folic 500 (suggested by haematologist)
Contains: Ferrous sulphate 525mg (equivalent to 105mg of elemental iron), Folic Acid 800mcg, Vit C 500mg, B1 6mg, B2 6mg, B6 5mg, B12 25mcg, Niacinamide 30 mg, Calcium pantothenate 10mg. In a controlled released dosage form Gradumet.

Postive: more alert at work, fatigue sets in later than usual
Negative: dry eyes, some other TMI effects regarding iron supplement :)

What about yours?

Thank you
2008: RBC: 5.93, Haemoglobin: 12.0g/dL, HCT: 38.7%, MCV: 65.3fl, MCH: 20.2pg, MCHC: 31.0g/dL, Hb A2: 5.8%, Hb F: <0.1%, serum iron: 17.3 umol/l, transferin: 2.06g/l, TIBC (total iron binding capacity): 46.1 umol/l, % saturation: 33%, ferritin: 324ug/l
2016: RBC: 6.2, Haemoglobin: 12.6g/dL, MCV: 62fl, MCH: 20pg, MCHC: 32g/dL, serum iron: 9.1 umol/l, transferin: 2.3g/l, TIBC (total iron binding capacity): 51.5 umol/l, % saturation: 16%, ferritin: 270ug/l, B12: 282 pg/ml


Offline khayes7

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Related to supplements, I wondered why wheat grass is recommended over other grasses? Is there a difference?

Double dose Vitamin B12 (100 micro I think, so 200?), 4000IU Vitamin D, Korean Ginseng, Amino's in my shakes, and my TRT I guess you could say (Testosterone and Proviron) at the moment.

Pros: Skin seems a little healthier, awake in the mornings, focus, energy and libido from the hormones.
Cons: Still no cardiovascular endurance, cost - all goes so quickly. Aromatase Inhibitor needed for hormones can make me tired, sleepy and irritable when the dose isn't right.t.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2016, 02:16:32 AM by don_sterling »


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Dr Chris Reynolds answers why wheatgrass over other grasses.


Wheatgrass Therapy and the Grass Juice Factor
Wheatgrass - A Different Perspective
The popular view of wheatgrass is that it is primarily a nutritional supplement.
I tend to disagree. Wheatgrass is, without doubt, a powerful healing agent, but this has little if anything to do with nutrition.
Wheatgrass has been used therapeutically for centuries. In the 1930’s it enjoyed an explosive resurgence of interest and became widely known as a low cost, effective healing agent for example in post-operative wound healing and the treatment of burns. Almost invariably, these therapeutic properties were put down to the effects of chlorophyll, which, at the time had become flavour of the month, appearing in numerous products including toothpaste. The biochemical analysis of wheatgrass was comprehensively determined and the various components were attributed with “therapeutic” properties. E.g. vitamin K. However, there were other observed benefits such as enhanced fertility, growth stimulation and improved health in test animals that could not be explained. Thus developed the concept of the ‘Grass Juice Factor’, a water soluble substance that has to this day not been identified.
This Grass Juice Factor is known to exist not only in wheatgrass, but in all the cereal grasses: rye, oats, barley etc., in peas, cabbage and many other plants. However, the highest concentrations (observed clinically) appeared to be in the cereal grasses. Now, although popular opinion is that chlorophyll and other components give wheatgrass its healing properties, I have a rather different view.
Since 1995 I have used a wheatgrass extract successfully in thousands of patients for treating numerous ailments including eczema, wound healing, burns and numerous other conditions. Knowing, by analysis, that the extract contains no chlorophyll, it can't possibly be involved in the healing process. In any case, chlorophyll breaks down rapidly on contact with light i.e. soon after the grass has been juiced. So even if some remained, it could not be preserved.

So what is responsible for all the healing we see?
Well, knowing that the broad spectrum of conditions in which I was seeing improvement or complete recovery  could not be the result of chlorophyll or any of the other constituents of wheatgrass, they most likely were the result of the Grass Juice Factor. There appeared to be a unifying feature or features about the Factor that accounted for its anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, hemostatic (stops bleeding) and connective tissue softening properties.
When I first became aware of the extract and began using it on my patients, I was amazed at the number of “healing” phenomena I was observing in any normal working day. Phenomena that I had never seen in 25 years of orthodox medical practice. Here is an example.
A young woman was carried into my office by her partner. She had fallen down the stairs and sprained her ankle. The pain and swelling was so bad, she could not walk. She certainly had a grossly swollen and unmovable ankle. Under normal circumstances, I would have applied ice, pressure bandages, given her a pair of crutches and told her to rest overnight and report back the next day for an X-ray. Instead, I applied some wheatgrass mixed in a base cream to the swollen tissue. Within about 20 minutes, she was able to limp out of the office without crutches, and her pain had eased. The next day, the swelling had almost disappeared and she was walking with minimal pain.
This may not sound too remarkable, but when you have been treating patients for many years, you get a fairly good idea of what to expect. In this case, I was astonished at the rapid rate of recovery. Subsequently, many such cases came my way, and I achieved similar results. It still never ceases to amaze me how rapidly so many patients with soft tissue injuries respond with rapid reduction of swelling and pain, with minimal if any skin discolouration the next day. This suggests a powerful hemostatic effect by the wheatgrass extract. It also suggests that whatever  bioactive(s) are responsible, they are absorbed rapidly through the skin and penetrate deeply into the tissues beneath.
I wondered why I had never heard of wheatgrass as a therapeutic agent, and could find no wheatgrass healing products anywhere. I had also never heard of anyone drinking wheatgrass as a "health" drink. I had also never used an "alternative" product before, but because the extract was very safe, I never hesitated to try it for any kind of condition. Open wounds healed rapidly without infection. Burns also never became infected, and pain often disappeared within hours of application of the wheatgrass cream.
So I did my apprenticeship the hard way, all the time thinking I had made a major discovery. I wrote down many anecdotes of my “healing” experiences, thinking I had a "new" and amazing therapeutic agent on my hands. And I did. But I didn’t know it had all been done before - in the 1930's!
Some time later, I told a veterinary friend some of my clinical coups expecting an enthusiastic response. Unmoved, he left the room and returned with a copy of Ronald Siebold’s ‘Cereal Grass. What’s in it for You’ and suggested I read it. (free download at the hyperlink)
To my amazement the first 4 chapters contained nearly all the "original" therapeutic uses for wheatgrass I had “discovered”. Yes, it had all been done before. But not entirely. I had something original to add to the knowledge base of wheatgrass healing.
Because, as I said, I had used the extract in such a broad spectrum of conditions, I had, after many late nights walking the floor, eventually come to the conclusion that, whatever it was in the wheatgrass was acting as an immunomodulator. In other words, something in there was “normalizing” damaged, injured or pathological tissue.
But, most of my colleagues would say no such thing exists. Had I not experienced such a collection of phenomena first hand, I would have agreed with them.
I hold to this claim to this day and, hopefully, over the next few years, I’ll be able to verify it. Wheatgrass, in some conditions at least, clearly appears to be a better healing alternative than anything the pharmaceutical industry has managed to produce. For instance, I have successfully treated numerous patients with severe, refractory, steroid-dependent eczema who have been able to completely dispense with both oral and topical steroids.
Dr. Chris Reynolds. M.B.,B.S.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline khayes7

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Thanks, Andy. So he doesn't say wheatgrass is superior to the other cereal grasses. That's what I wondered. Maybe we hear more about wheatgrass because it's more accessible? Although it seems like there are a lot of barley grass products around. Hmm. Still curious.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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From what I recall, the advantages of wheatgrass are that it is lower in iron than barley grass, so it has significance for any thal who is loading iron, and for those growing their own, it is much easier to find the seed to grow wheatgrass than it is to find barley seed that is good for growing.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Vitamin B12 was 286 taking nothing. Taking 4x dose of 100 micro's (400mcg) a day put me at 412 on my latest blood test. Still a long way off the upper limit of 750. Think I'm gonna try the 1000mcg sublingual.


Offline khayes7

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Thanks, Andy for wheat grass reply. Really helpful!


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