Please help me with understanding my test results

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Offline Ade

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Please help me with understanding my test results
« on: July 27, 2016, 07:02:00 PM »
Hi everyone, been feeling really terrible so I did a blood test.  Results below.     (1.) Hbc= 7.5 Range 12-15.6.          (2.) Packed Cell Volume = 25.5 Range = 35.9-44.6 (%).            (3.) MCV = 67.8 Range = 75-96 (fl).                      (4.) MCH 19.9 Range = 27-32(pg).                (5.) MCHC 29.4 Range = 32-36(g/dl).            (6.) RDW =19.3 Range = 11-16 (%).                  (7.) Platelet Count = 433 Range = 150-450.                 (8.) MPV =8.9 Range = 9-13 (fl).                        (9.) Ferritin = 7.42 Range = 13-150 (ng/ml).             (10.)  Serum Transferrin = 33.5 Range = 20-50 (mg/dl)                                                           From what I can see my iron levels are low. Is there any other thing that might be disturbing from these results? Or should I just concentrate on raising my iron and hemoglobin levels! One thing that I don't understand though is that I have never had any transfusion in my life but all of a sudden I'm seeing that my Hb levels are hovering around 7 point something and I am having to raise it by drinking something quite similar to wheatgrass even though it gives me a running tummy. Any ideas please why my Hb count has dropped? Also does that mean I am no longer thal intermediate? Lastly,  been having chest pains and difficulty breathing. My Echocardiogram and ECG and chest X-ray all came back normal. So I am really perplexed as to why I am having heart pains and difficulty breathing that feels like my nostrils constrict or like they are blocked like if I have a cold.  Please help.    :(
« Last Edit: July 27, 2016, 07:17:55 PM by Ade »


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Please help me with understanding my test results
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2016, 02:22:02 PM »
Many intermedia patients see a drop in Hb as they age. It could be that or you could have been exposed to something that causes hemolysis, destruction of red blood cells. If you've been exposed to any sort of chemical fumes, including common household scented cleaners, or eaten broad beans, it can cause hemolysis. If your Hb rises again, look for what you may have been exposed to. The Low Hb affects the heart, as the heart has to work much harder to pump blood when Hb is low.

I would suggest that you take L-methylfolate to help raise your Hb. Wheatgrass also helps. We have a section on nutrition that has been of help to many patients. Go to that board and check the top posts for ideas. I think it's very important to try and raise your Hb, as the eventual alternative is transfusion.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Ade

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Re: Please help me with understanding my test results
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2016, 02:57:34 PM »
Hi Andy,  thanks for the response.  Was wondering if I should take iron tablets too since my serum iron is extremely low.  But then my serum transferrin is mid range. Would taking iron tablets elevate my serum transferrin? What's the safest way to go about this? Thanks a million.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Please help me with understanding my test results
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2016, 11:42:35 PM »
I need to know what your original diagnosis as thal was and how the diagnosis was reached, which tests were done and the results.

If you are alpha thal and your Hb is always below 10, it would have to be HbH disease and if that is the case, no, do not ever take iron. It will only lead to added absorption of iron, in addition to the higher absorption that would already be there because the low Hb causes an increase in iron absorption from food. I also am extremely  skeptical about iron tests in alpha thals. They almost always show deficiency, and that is seldom the case. Also, if you are alpha thal, the thing that will help the most is folate. I suggest 5 mg L-methylfolate daily. L-methylfolate is the preferred form and will give you better results. This is the one thing that is proven to help build red blood cells in alpha thals.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Ade

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Re: Please help me with understanding my test results
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2016, 05:47:37 AM »
Hi Andy,  Im afraid I don't have the answers. What happened was I kept complaining about feeling anaemic.  My GP would then request I get my tests done and then the usual ie iron tablets were prescribed. But when that didn't ameoliorate my symptoms,  my GP told me I had to additional tests (I didn't know what they were). I just went,  did the tests and when the results came back,  she said I had alpha thalasseamia. She didn't give me further information other than to stay away from iron tablets,  ibroprofen and to inform doctors that I have alpha thalasseamia if I ever need to get surgery done or be transfused.  This was about 14yrs ago so maybe not much info existed on the condition and that's why I wasn't given more info. Im just guessing though I really don't know. But since that time,  life just went on as normal with the occasional tiredness nothing too serious. It wasn't until about a year and a half ago after relocating back home from the UK that I really started getting more symptoms to the point were it was beginning to affect my lifestyle, like the tiredness,  dizziness, palpitations, shortness of breath,  hemolysis, yellowish eyes etc.  That said,  I did an electrophoresis test last week and got the results yesterday.  HbA is 97, HbA2 is 3, HbF is 0, HbD is 0, HbS is 0, HbC is 0 and HbE is 0. The pathologist recommended DNA tests to check for alpha thalasseamia. So I'll get that done soon enough. This is all the info I can provide unfortunately. Please advice on what I should do next. Also can I eat onions and garlic? They contain sulfur and I know you  said to avoid sulphur containing compounds but I have been diagnosed with high cholesterol and I don't want to go on statin drugs and was told garlic and onions can help reduce high LDL. Lastly my calcium and magnesium levels are very good despite never taken calcium/magnesium supplements. Should I still purchase cal/mag suppliments?


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Please help me with understanding my test results
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2016, 11:36:31 PM »
The DNA test results will help. As far as foods, keep a diary of any foods you might be concerned about and note how you feel in the days following eating those foods. Onions and garlic cause hemolysis in cats and dogs, so I would say it's not out of the realm of possibility that some thals may also react. Also, keep notes of any times you are exposed to fumes. Stay clear of scented detergents, synthetic perfumes and cigarette smoke.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Ade

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Re: Please help me with understanding my test results
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2016, 03:47:52 AM »
Thanks Andy, will do just that.


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