Alpha Thalasemia trait and sickle cell carrier (AS genotype) in Regina, Canada

  • 6 Replies

I am new here. I have recently been diagnosed with  alpha thalassemia trait . I am also a Sickle cell carrier. I stay in Regina, Canada.

My test results are:
December 16th, 2016 (ordered by a doctor)
   flags   Results   Ref Range
WBC   L   2.7   4.0 - 100
RBC   H   6.36   4.3 – 5.40
Hemaglobin      162   140-180
Hematocrit   H   0.507   0.4- 0.5
MCV   L   79.7   82.0-97.0
MCH   L   25.5   27.0 – 32.0
MCHC      320   320 – 360
RDW      12.5   11.5  - 14.5
Plateletes      177   150 – 400
MPV      10.1   7.4 – 10.4
Neutrophils      1.6   1.5 – 6.5
Lymphocytes   L   0.8   1.2 – 3.4
haematologist ordered test  (8th February, 2017)
1.   CBC: Hemoglobin- 160g/L, MCV -78fL, MCH – 25pg/L, platelet count-  139 X10e9/L
2.   Liver panel – normal, LDH -195U/L
3.   Hemoglobin Electrophoresis – Hemoglobin S – 35%, Hemoglobin A2 – 3.4% , Hemoglobin F – less than 1%

I already started taking supplements listed by Andy and noticed some physical improvements.

Regards to everyone that makes this forum a success.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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  • Gender: Male
  • Will thal rule you or will you rule thal?
Natural vitamin E and L-carnitine (or L-arginine) may be of specific benefit because you carry sickle cell. Both help improve the integrity of the circulatory system so that blood can flow more easily through the smaller blood vessels.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Natural vitamin E and L-carnitine (or L-arginine) may be of specific benefit because you carry sickle cell. Both help improve the integrity of the circulatory system so that blood can flow more easily through the smaller blood vessels.

Thanks Andy. I will start taking them. 

Should I take them at the same time with all the other supplememnts (vit D, magnesium, folate, etc) I am taking. Also, when is the best time to take these – morning, afternoon or evening? with food or without food?


Offline Andy Battaglia

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  • 8793
  • Gender: Male
  • Will thal rule you or will you rule thal?
You can take them with other supplements. I find taking after a meal is best.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

You can take them with other supplements. I find taking after a meal is best.

Thanks Andy.
What is the recommended dosage for carnitine and arginine?


Offline Manal

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  • 3100
  • Gender: Female
  • mother of thal intermedia child
The dosage of L-carnitine is  from 50 -100 mg/Kg

All studies done on on L-carnitine and  thalassemia were on a 50mg/kg dose.

L-carnitine is taken 5 days  per week ( i.e two days off)


The dosage of L-carnitine is  from 50 -100 mg/Kg

All studies done on on L-carnitine and  thalassemia were on a 50mg/kg dose. ...........



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