Hi All
I have been with the old Thal patient's & friends for almost 3 years now. Since the day I got to know of thal patients and friends my life started looking up which had suddenly come crumbing down in Oct 2002. 11 oct 2002 was the day when my 2.5 years old son was diagnosed with Thal Intermedia. He was conceived and born in S'pore with the state of the art medaical facilities, tests(even thal test), in S'pore. However as God would have it, I was a silent carrier so my hubby was not tested and my son came in this world on Jan 27, 2000 being a thal intermedia. But we did not know till he turned 2.5 and one day he was sick with flu, Doc's here gave him some amoxycyclin, which made his eyes swell. I ran from pillar to post in S'pore but nobody could tell me why his eyes were swollen post illness. At the same time I was quite perturbed abt his very dark urine, took the sample to 2-3 general physians in S'pore but same reply, everything is normal.
It was just sheer luck that i went to india for biz and took my son along with me, one look at him and my mom shreiked - he is really sick. Our family doctor ran some normal routine blood test in India and reality dawned. Thankfully I was in Chandigarh, my home town and I was straight sent to PGI, my son was taken under Dr Marwaha's care - super specialist in Haemotology. He has been on hydro oxy urea since with one transfusion. Things have stabilized.
Initally i used to ask only one question WHY me?

but then i discovered thal freinds and patient forum and realized that this is not the end of the road infact it is just a hurdle and God has given me this hurdle knowing that my son, me and my family can handle it together. I am convinced that my son is a Miracle baby, he has always fought against all odds.
I can confidently say that encountring Thal has made me a better human being.
Love & good health to all of you.
god bless
Poo gill