• 11 Replies

Offline alnahrahmea

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Hi Everyone!

Well, I haven't posted for sometime about my condition because I know there are much more of us who had much more severe condition and I don't want to make anyone feel sorry and down for me as well.  I have been very much frustrated about how my condition is being handled, but I am really thankful that I came across this site and the information I have gained from all of you really helped me clarify a lot of questions about my condition towards my doctors.

Sadly the turn out is that, all work-ups relating to my Thalassemia was put on-hold due to my pregnancy.  The only thing my doctor's can perform that is related to my Thalassemia is check my hemioglobin levels and stop my iron supplements.  My work-up was mostly for the baby's condition and my ability to deliver him. The doctor's reasons were plain and simple.  They cannot form other blood tests because I have my baby and fetal hemoglobin is mixed in my system.  They cannot also perform serrum ferritin tests because I just had my transfusion and I just had finished a bottle and a half if 325g iron supplements for the baby and that is a contributing factor for high serrum ferritin levels.

More than 2 weeks ago, I had underwent blood transfusion for the baby.  I was given two bags of packed RBCs and my hb level went up to 9.8 grams.  But in 2 weeks I already consumed what was transfused on me and it is beginning to plunge again and my hb level is just 8.0 grams based from yesterday's test.

My baby is responding well so far based from his bio-physical screening and stress-tests and he is weighing 2605 grams at 36 weeks and 4 days now. He is a candidate for chord blood banking as well. So far I am grateful that while in conception my baby is doing okay. He seems unaffected by my condition and I hope he keeps up until he is delivered.

Since my hb level is starting to go low again, I am scheduled for another round of transfusion by the end of this April.  It is already getting harder for me to get blood donors to replace the blood I am getting from the hospital's blood bank.  I was required to prepare 5 bags of blood until my son's delivery.  Blood here in the Philippines is a commodity and that fact is really frustrating me.

As of yesterday's check-up with my OB-gyne, I am already 1 cm dilated with my cervix.  But because my hb level dropped in 2 weeks, she could not afford to let me waste my hemoglobin again and certainly she doesn't want me to go into labor. So, I am scheduled to deliver via c-section 3-5 days after I receive my blood transfusion at the end of April.  That would be more than a week early from my due date. But with my baby on the "good" weight for delivery already, my doctor is now more concerned of my welfare in delivering the baby since my body is starting to give way. 

I am beginning to feel false labor pains, and I had light spotting yesterday night and today, so it worries me.  Please include us in your prayers.


« Last Edit: April 22, 2007, 12:42:16 PM by alnahrahmea »
Lei  :heartpink


Offline Zaini

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Hi Lei,

you are definitely in my prayers, and your cute darling baby too, and please  we are here to support each other, so it's not like you make anyone of us feel sorry or down, yes we do feel sorry for you bcoz we love you, and we'll feel happy for you when you'll deliever the baby safely, amen.do take care of your self and keep in touch with your doctors and please keep us updated.



Offline §ãJ¡Ð ساجد

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Hi Lei,

Don't think that you'll trouble us by describing your worries. This is what this family is all about. We are here on the same boat and no one better than us is able to make us each other feel better.

Everyone please feel free to tell us what you are going through. You might find a solution to it. Plus you will always find someone who can at least comfort us in the tough time and believe me that makes a lot of difference and you'll feel that half of the worries are over just by reading all the wonder posts of our friends.

Take care of yourself and best wishes for your "Gift From God" :goodluck

اَسّلامُ علیکم Peace be Upon you
§ãJ¡Ð ®âµƒ
Web Site


Offline jzd24

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     I am sorry you are having so many worries. It makes me so upset to think you have to worry about getting blood when you need it. I wish you the best of luck in going through your last weeks of pregnancy, and during the c-section. We are all praying for you and your baby.  Jean  :heartpink


Offline Courtenay1826

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I had to have a csection with Mychael due to alot of the same reasons you're having - they took him at 36 weeks so we wouldn't have to worry about my spleen rupturing during labor tho...I was dilated to 2, so they were kinda worried, like your OB.

Let me recommend some csection comforts, so you'll be prepared... First, take two hospital blankets, and fold them tightly into a rectangle, and tape them shut with hospital tape.  Hold this against your belly when you laugh, cough, go potty, move from bed, etc.  It makes a world of difference to feel that you have some support "down there" when they've just cut every muscle you need to do these things.

 Secondly, if the hospital doesn't provide it, take along a squirt bottle to rinse yourself after going to the bathroom - it will be very painful to wipe, and this will help you feel fresh between showers.  I know, kinda personal huh? I just want this experience to be good for you - you've been thru so much.

Also, take plenty of lip balm - the epidural anesthesia, and the gas if they use it, makes you mouth and lips feel like cotton.  The balm will help at least your lips! Make sure you drink plenty of water before your 12 hours before that you cant...it will help you stay hydrated and not so nauseuous during the wait before surgery.

All my love, honey! You will do beautifully, I am sure!  :wink


Offline Manal

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Dear Lei :hugfriend :hugfriend
Wish you all the luck, you and your baby are in my prayers.

I am sure everything will go well and soon you will be enjoying your baby

Good luck


Offline alnahrahmea

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Thanks Courteney for all the tips.  I know they will make alot of difference for me.  :hugfriend

Also thanks everyone for the support and comforting messages. They encourage me to be positive in all things!  :grouphug

I've Got less than two weeks to go.  My last and finale check-up before my confinement is this coming friday.  For the first time in my life I felt fear, not for myself but for my baby.  Being a single mom, I cannot afford to give up and let my baby be orphaned if I expire during delivery.  I double not only my preparations, but my prayers as well.  All I could promise my son is I'll hold on and giving up will never be my option.  I talk to my "Gift from God" everynight since two weeks ago, I always tell him how excited I am to have and to hold him, and I always tell him that we will be going through this together and we will survive it together.  My son is very strong after all we've been through, so I certainly cannot afford to go weak.

Do continue praying with us.  I'll fight with your prayers as my sheild and your support as my sword. 

I believe in no time I will be posting again in God's grace, and at that time it will be full of hope and inspiration. :smiley
Lei  :heartpink


Offline Danielle

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Lei, you will DEFINITELY be in my prayers, and please do not feel like you cannot write to us.  No matter what anyone (including myself) is going through, you can post here and say whatever you'd like.  We are all here for each other, no matter what.   :hugfriend


Offline Zaini

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Hi Lei,

please don't be afraid, we all are here praying for you, and please inform us before you go to hospital for admission,we are sure you and your son are reallyyyyyy strong,

LOTS OF LOVE FOR YOU. :hugfriend :hugfriend :hugfriend :hugfriend :hugfriend



Offline blueskies

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Lei, I just wanted to send lots of hugs and support your way.  I hope everything goes smoothly with your delivery and that your baby is healthy and strong.

 :hugfriend :hugfriend :hugfriend :hugfriend


Offline Sharmin

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Best of luck and good health to your family.



Hi Lei.
I hope your day is full of happiness and you are looking forward to have a healthy Baby,
WE pray with the grace of god everything is going to be alright,

I'm thinking of you :flowers :flowers :flowers :flowers :flowers :flowers :flowers



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