update on Hassan

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Offline maha

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update on Hassan
« on: September 26, 2007, 11:47:29 AM »
Hi all
Hassan had had a constant fever which would subside with or without medicines only during the night. His Hb was 4.7. We were a little surprised at this low reading because he still was a little pink compared to last time when he was as white as a sheet with a hb of 4.6. Anyway he was transfused the same day and his post trans hb is 8.4. His CBC though has revealed certain interesting facts.

                                            as on 22 july              as on 22 sept
hb                                           4.6                             4.7

HCT                                         11.2                           13.9

MCV                                          40                               62.4

MCH                                          16.1                             21

MCHC                                         40.5                           33.6

RBC                                            2.83                            2.23

As you can see though his hb is the same the overall blood picture is improving. The only conclusion I came to was his bone marrow is producing lesser RBC`s but of a better quality. Otherwise the lab has made a mess of his reports which I hope not.

Re: update on Hassan
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2007, 10:23:05 PM »

The hb level at both dates is very low by any standard and even the post transfusion hb is not healthy.

Take care.


Offline maha

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Re: update on Hassan
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2007, 09:36:36 AM »
Hello Canadian Family,
I totally agree that the hb reading is extremely low, but as you already know I am giving him Rodex, and for the medicine to work the child shouldn`t be transfusion dependent. His oxygen level this time was 100% compared to 90% the last time we took him in.The doc on duty circled well in the blood request form. His MCV has increased to 62.4. Doesn`t this indicate that Rodex has started to work? As for his Hb Dr Mathur said it was because of the heat that the hb is not stabilising. Well winter`s just a month or so away so lets see what he has to say then.


Offline Zaini

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Re: update on Hassan
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2007, 06:46:28 PM »
Hello Maha,

I wish you good luck with Rodex,but still your son's hb bothers me a lot,is he normally grown kid for his age?i for one won't ever agree for hb less then 9.5-10,see i know that my daughter is on transfusions and iron overload is a big problem,but these tranfusions ,and might i say regular transfusions are helping her grow healthily,and i am working hard with iron,in the starting i regretted that why i started regular transfusions,but now when i look at her and when people exclaim that she don't even look like she has got any kind of problem,it pays off.so please look into the matter that his growth is not affected by his low hb,

Take care,



Offline Manal

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Re: update on Hassan
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2007, 01:12:16 AM »
Hi Maha

I was so interested in these results and how is the blood indices are progressing and the hb not. I asked the daughter and he replied that thismeans that the medicine is targeting the cells themselves i.e the new production will be in abetter shape, size and volume butit is not targeting the formation of the heme and globin, that is why it is not reflected on the HB level. Hope you can understand my explaination. It is true that heat does not help in stablizing the Hb



Offline maha

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Re: update on Hassan
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2007, 09:25:51 AM »
Hi Zaini
Hassan is a little small for his age, but recently he has started to grow very well. At two months he was very big. Infact  he looked like a four month old. But once he was six months he was not growing well at all. I kept asking his doc why he wasn`t slithering nor crawling but all he said was his weight was ok and was healthy and I shouldn`t worry too much. That doc doesn`t know thal at all. After he was diagnosed at 13 months I had taken him to the same doc again and he asked if I was giving him iron drops. I didn`t go back to him again.Hassan is still making up for the lost months.


Offline maha

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Re: update on Hassan
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2007, 09:08:17 AM »
Hi Manal
Yes, I got your point. I hope this month Rodex targets the production of heme and globin as well Inshallah.


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