Hi Guys & gals...
I decided to google "Thalassaemia" in new zealand only and just see what I come up with.
I found a site
www.emedinews.comI have found one posting regarding Thal which was just informing of the different types of Thal.

I have joined and hope to make Thalassaemia more known, especially here in New Zealand.
I hope that you guys will support me and help me with what ever questions I may be asked.
Today I answered a question put to me....
One of my friends has thalasemia disgnosed in childhood. But she was told that she only has thalassemia minor. But recently, she frequently complains of lethargy and low energy.
May I know what she can do besides resting so that she can feel more energetic?
When I become lethargic it usually means that I'm....
1. due for a blood transfusion
2. my iron levels are too high
3. ive not well
Theres only one thing that I can do for myself and that is to take it easy while taking my medicines.
But that's me. I would suggest that your friend goes back to her GP and explain her symptons.
She may need to see a haemotologist in regards to her Thalassaemia.
Below is a copy I took from a Thalassaemia site. Hope this helps.
But for more info log on to Thalpal.com
Thal minor can range from silent carrier status with no symptoms to transfusion dependency in rare cases of the dominant thal gene. There has been very little research into the health of thal minors and as a result, most doctors are unaware that it can have symptoms that adversely affect quality of life. In your case, if you do have it, it would be called silent carrier. The main danger here is for future generations so getting a diagnosis is very important.
While there has been little research into the effects of thal minor, we have many members who are minors and have repeatedly testified to health conditions that are all very similar. The common thread beyond minor is that the lower the hemoglobin level, the more symptoms that are experienced. You will find very few doctors who will acknowledge that thal minor can affect one's health, but we do hope that patients will also tell their doctors so that doctors can become better informed.
I really hope this helps.
Is this ok?

I really value your inputs