Guideline for the clinical care of patients with thalassemia in Canada

  • 1 Replies
For those who are interested, the link to the guideline is below:

The Thalassemia Foundation of Canada is proud to announce that the Guidelines for the Clinical Care of Patients with Thalassemia in Canada are now complete and available for physicians, patients, and their families. The guidelines are the result of over three years of research, development, and review by a dedicated team of writing and project planning group from across Canada including hematologists, physicians, and nurses, and based on their consensus. The document was also reviewed by parents and patients to ensure that it was both relevant and accurate for all readers.

Spearheaded by Dr Isaac Odame of The Hospital for Sick Children and funded by the Thalassemia Foundation of Canada, these much anticipated guidelines offer hope to our patients that healthcare providers will now have a benchmark to strive towards while caring for our patients. Additionally, the guidelines also offer patients and parents of patients with thalassemia with a concrete document that they can refer to, to both ensure--and demand--they receive the best possible care, management, and treatment available.


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Re: Guideline for the clinical care of patients with thalassemia in Canada
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2009, 05:52:50 PM »
Thanks for the link CF :ty .


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