You may already be aware of this, but you should avoid exposure to malaria medications, anti-itching drugs, and fava beans, as these can all set off hemolysis which will lower your hemoglobin level noticeably. I would think exposure to chemicals like benzene and naphthalene should also be avoided.
Your blood works looks pretty typical for thal minor and your Hb is just under normal. Supplements like B complex, natural vitamin E and magnesium may all help the health and production of red blood cells, and if you feel tired a lot, you may want to have your vitamin D level checked. Deficiency is widely common and doctors are discovering that it takes very high doses to correct. Deficiency can lead to tiredness, fatigue and depression. If a test shows a level below 30, supplementation or a vitamin D shot will be needed. It makes a huge difference.
I don't think further testing for thal minor is needed, but you may want to have your hemoglobin level checked once a year to make sure you are staying at a stable level. Do you have two gene G6PD deficiency?