Cure Thalassemia Website Now Functional: Great News for Indian Thals!

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Offline Andy Battaglia

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Prof. Guido Lucarelli and Dr. Pietro Sodani are involved in a new effort to provide bone marrow transplants to as many thals as possible in India, at a subsidized rate. The Cure Thalassemia dream is becoming reality and I wish them the best on this incredible undertaking.

The site is at


Cure Thalassemia vision is to cure (becoming thalassemia free, so no more transfusions) with Bone Marrow Transplantation (BMT)  as many thalassemia major children as possible, who can’t afford the cost of the cure, through the cross-subsidization business model.

It is a Social Business (as defined by by the 7 principles of the  Nobel Prize Yunus), a non-loss, non-dividend company designed to address a social problem, and not to look for profit maximization. The investors cannot take any dividend; it is financially self-sustainable, without relying on donors’ money.
The team

Prof. Guido Lucarelli, Scientific advisor
He is the worldwide authority in BMT for Thalassemia, and he is Cure Thalassemia scientific advisor.
Hematologist, director of the Transplant Program of IME’s transplant unit at the Tor Vergata General Hospital, has a long history of clinical-scientific experience in the field of BMT, starting with the FHCRSC in Seattle. He has performed more than 1,600 BMT for malignant blood disorders and thalassemia. He has published more than 250 scientific papers on BMT and Thalassemia
He is author of the chapter on BMT for thalassemia in In the book “Bone marrow transplantation” of the Nobel Prize Donnall Thomas.

Dr. Pietro Sodani, Co-founder and scientific coordinator
Hematologist, BMT expert, he works with Prof. Lucarelli since 10 years, and he has done 400 BMT for thalassemia. He is the inventor of BMT from mismatched donor (recently published on Blood Journal); he is currently improving this technique for a potential application in the future also for Cure Thalassemia patients.

Dr. Devi Shetty, Chairman of the Advisory management committee of the joint venture Cure Thalassemia-Narayana Hrudayalaya
He was the surgeon of Mother Teresa. Founder and CEO of Narayana Hrudayalaya, he is called “the Henry Ford of Indian hearth care”; he has revolutionized the way quality health care is provided to masses with lowest affordable cost.  He was awarded Social Entrepreneurship Award by World Economic Forum in 2005, and Ernst & Young – Entrepreneur of the year in 2003; Wall Street Journal showcased it on of its cover story; Discovery Channel made a documentary. His story is written by Forbes, Reader Digest, and New Scientist and appears in two of the books from the Harvard Business School and from Prof. C.K Prahlad.
Harvard Business Social conducted a case study on him that is now the most studied case in all business schools and most quoted case studies in health care industry.

Eugenio La Mesa, Co-founder and Chairman
Serial and Social Business entrepreneur; 15 years of experience in Internet Marketing, business development and sales. Co-author of the book “Selling and buying on the Internet”, published by Sperling & Kupfer. in 1997 Winner of the Microsoft Italy prize for the most innovative Internet solution.
Speaker at Grameen events.

Pietro Sodani and Eugenio La Mesa are both cited in the book “Building Social Business” of the Nobel Prize Yunus, whose chapter 4 is entirely dedicated to the Grameen-Cure2Children Social Business for Thalassemia, in which they have been deeply involved since the beginning.

Chandrakant Agrawal, Co-founder and board member
Entrepreneur, he is chairman of Sri Navdurga group, having manufacturing units in Textiles, Jewellery, Steel Ingots and TMT Bars. His grand-daughter suffers from Thalassemia.

Dr. Shailesh Singi, Chief Medical Programme Director
He worked with Christian Medical College Hospital, Vellore as a Hemotologist and conducted around 100 BMT under able guidance of Dr. Mammen Chandy, the senior most BMT Expert in India. In 2004 he moved to Hyderabad and worked with Global Hospital. He now works at CARE Hospital as Chief of Department of Hematology, where he has performed 6 BMT.
He will join Cure Thallassemia as Chief Programme Director, and he will manage the whole BMT unit in co-ordination and guidance of Dr Pietro Sodani.

Dr. Sharat Damodar, Scientific advisor
Haematologist, he completed his DM in clinical haematology at CMC Vellore and then set up the BMT unit at Narayana Hrudayalaya. Currently he is head of the BMT unit which has completed more than 130 transplants till date, which is the largest number in the state of Karnataka.

Dr. Cristiano Gallucci, Scientific advisor
Hematologist, after a 4-year experience in the treatment of adult blood malignancies, he has been working with Prof Lucarelli for the last 4 years performing about 100 BMT for thalassemia. On behalf of IME he has been engaged in the development of scientific relationships and transfer of BMT know-how in Pakistan, Egypt and recently in Nigeria.

Stavros Melides, International Liason Officer
A thalassemia parent, whose son, 31 years old, is a healthy thalassemia sufferer.
He has been involved with the United Kingdom  thalassemia society (UKTS) based in London since 1980 and he was one of the original people in the 80′s who was raising money to establish the L1 compound now known as the ferebrox tablet.
He set up the UK regional thalassemia committee incorporating patients, parents, doctors, nurses and carers. TIF director for many years, he worked in Pakistan to improve thalassemia associations where he initiated the setting up of  the Thalassemia National federation of Pakistan.
He  traveled in many countries promoting better treatment and awareness of thalassemia. Member of various NGO in the UK and he served in various business association committees.
For over 25 years CEO of a group of companies in different fields.

    Free Advice for BMT
    With Bone Marrow Transplantation (BMT) is possible to be thalassemia free (no more transfusions). Each thalassemia patient is different and has his own health conditions.

    Dr. Pietro Sodani (Cure Thalassemia scientific coordinator, who has done more than 400 BMTs with Prof. Lucarelli, the inventor of BMT for thalassemia) gives you his free professional advice to tell you if you can have a BMT to become thalassemia free, and what the results might be.

    Contact us asking for the free advice, and Pietro Sodani will take care of you.

    Live without Thalassemia major

Cure Thalassemia

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Their FAQ page says they are taking patients from all over the world. See

This is a monumental undertaking by this group and should be taken quite seriously.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline jotembe

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Re: Cure Thalassemia Website Now Functional: Great News for Indian Thals!
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2012, 11:08:05 AM »
Thank you Andy,

at least I found the information about "Cure Thalassaemia" and reached an this way Prof. Lucarellis garden porch. I first time learned him to know in the late nineteeth. We both attended to a Thalassaemia symposium in Rhineland-Palatinate/Germany.
The co-founder, Dr Eugenio La Mesa has already contacted me, very warm hearted guy.


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