New guy in town

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New guy in town
« on: September 13, 2011, 12:09:49 PM »
Hello everyone,

My name is Mart. I've been reading this forum for some time and finally decided to sign-up.
I've been diagnosed with hemoglobinopathy 9 years ago by chance while I was still smoking and my Hb levels were quite low.
First they diagnosed me with beta-thal minor based on CBC and RBC morphology. Later they did Hb electrophoresis and found that some 12% of the Hb was actually "Hb Lepore". HbA2 + F were about 8%.
Doc from the lab advised genetic testing but I still haven't done any.
I felt the worst while I was smoking so I decided to quit very soon after I started. Drinking too much or not getting enough sleep is also devastating for me.
I'd like to meet someone else with this condition so we could share some info. Please don't hesitate to send messages!

Hb Lepore variant


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