Here is one event that took place with me a few years ago! And a great advice!

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Offline §ãJ¡Ð ساجد

  • Beta Thal Major
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It happened when I was giving an exam for my final semester of my Graduation. That day I felt extremely tired when I went up the stairs. After the paper ended (as we call these exams here  :biggrin) when I went down the stairs, I almost fell on the guy in front of me. Anyway I was rushed to hospital straight from the University! There my parents told the Docs that I was Thal maj and all the required history to assist them. The took my HB and guess what it was a fraction more than 2g/dl (I think 2.3, whatever! I forgot :huh). Then my mom noticed that I had bruises all over my legs. We also told the docs that I had bleeding from the nose recently although it was winter season which I usually experience in extream summer sun. Thus they took my Platelet count and found it around 2500 / (Some quantity of blood, I forgot this unit too ??? ) which should be around 5 million. Anyway I got transfused with 10-15 Packs of Platelets and during this whenever I took a bite of something, my gums would also start to bleed! Even when I drank the ice cold water they gave me to stop the gum bleeding I would colorise it with light shade of red. The docs said that my spleen was misfunctioning and recommended it to be taken out.

Then there was this nurse who told us that she had treated Haemophillia patients and she advised us to take "Peanuts" in my diet to increase platelets as it helped the Heamophilla patients a lot and since my Platelet genes are o.k I should have faster recovery! She also suggested I took them with their "thin inner brown skin intact around the seeds". My platelets weren't gaining as much after each Platelet pack and they discharged me at 5 million platelets and then at home I started taking in peanuts since it was winter and they were easily available in this season and added "Peanut butter and jelly sandwitch" to my breakfast. After 2 weeks (my usual transfusion time) I also gave a check on my platelet count and was surprised to see them at about 7.5million with just two weeks of peanuts!! After that my breakfast always contains at least one slice of "Peanut butter and jelly sandwitch" even in the summer when the whole peanuts are not in the market.

During my hospitalisation some medical students who came to study on me prescribed some drugs that shouldn't have been prescribed in my low HB levels. When I took those medicine at home they gave me "fits" and I passed out. I was again rushed to the hospital and docs said I was in a coma and there's no telling when I will wake up. My family told me that I woke up several times and interacted with them again those "fits" kicked in and I passed out again. I really have no memory of this except for one time when I saw my uncle standing besides my bed in the "Emergency ward" and those fits kicked in again and the next thing I knew that I woke up the "Genral Ward". After that I think the medicine cleared out and after that I didn't have that problem again. (Boy I wish I find those idiots who prescribed me that medicine  :bat :pissedoff). I was again hospitalised and it was time for the next paper(Exam) and I left the hospital with my status still "Admitted" on the file and came home and the next day went to college to give the exam! ;D . Such is the convenience of Pakistani hospitals. You can just walk out anytime you like! Anyway I was discharged after a day when the doc said I was stable

Anyway when my exam result came out I was amazed to see that in the paper(exam) when my HB was 2 and Plts were 2K, I got the highest score compared to all the other subjects, but unfortunately the paper(exam) in which I dumped the hospital, I scored quite less as I didn't got to study well. Overall my GPA was 3.5 which is quite good! if you consider the condition in which I gave the exams.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2006, 06:14:07 AM by Sajid Rauf »
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Offline §ãJ¡Ð ساجد

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   Just wanted to tell you that I've updated my post and added to the end of the text that I posted earlier because at that time it was getting quite late and I had to go for dinner!
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Offline Danielle

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Wow, what an interesting story, Sajid!  Thanks for sharing!   :biggrin

I did learn that consuming peanuts decreased platelet aggregation (or clumping), which in turn reduces blood clots, but I didn't know that peanuts increase the platelet count.  That's really interesting.  :happyyes

I'm so glad that you are ok, and came out of this situation without any serious problems.  Do you have any idea what those medical students prescribed to you?   ???

Way to go on keeping up your grades after going through all that.   :thumbsup

By the way, what was this "word" you wouldn't use?   :huh
She also suggested I took them with their "thin inner brown skin intact around the seeds (I won't use that word  )"



Offline §ãJ¡Ð ساجد

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Wow, what an interesting story, Sajid!  Thanks for sharing!   :biggrin

I did learn that consuming peanuts decreased platelet aggregation (or clumping), which in turn reduces blood clots, but I didn't know that peanuts increase the platelet count.  That's really interesting.  :happyyes

I'm so glad that you are ok, and came out of this situation without any serious problems.  Do you have any idea what those medical students prescribed to you?   ???

I don't know maybe the Peanuts are just kind of Placebo Therapy!  ??? My body made those platelets all by it self?!?!  :yahoo . Anyway, those docs prescribed a pain-killer as I complained them that I felt pain in my arm muscles on which the cannula was inserted for the Platelets and I wasn't able to move that arm for few days due to continuous transfusions.
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Offline Danielle

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It was probably the mixture of the peanuts and your body making them as well!   :yahoo  Either way, you're better now, and that's all that matters!   :clap

Sajid, do yo know what pain killer it was?  Did they give it to you by mouth, or injection?   ???


Offline §ãJ¡Ð ساجد

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Sajid, do yo know what pain killer it was?  Did they give it to you by mouth, or injection?   ???

Well, it was back in 2003 and now I've forgotten the name. They were small white tablets and I took one dose in the Hospital which didn't do any harm. Then after discharging me I took a couple of doses at home the next day. I was having breakfast and my mom was on the phone when she noticed that I was in a very akward position in my bed(my hands were twisted as far as they could and my eyes were frozen in place etc.) I had no idea what happend and the next thing I knew was that I woke up in the Hospital (AGAIN!!)  :banghead
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Offline Danielle

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I was having breakfast and my mom was on the phone when she noticed that I was in a very akward position in my bed(my hands were twisted as far as they could and my eyes were frozen in place etc.) I had no idea what happend and the next thing I knew was that I woke up in the Hospital (AGAIN!!)  :banghead
Oh my God!  How horrible!  I'm so glad you came out of that ok, Sajid.  What an aweful experience that must've been.  :sadyup 


Offline namitha

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Hey Sajid,

I am really glad you have a fighting spirit. Thank god you have come out of that chapter. How do you feel now? You completely ok I hope.

You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.

Max Ehrmann's Desiderata


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Hi Namitha,

Thanks for your concern. :biggrin

It really was a horrible experience.

Ups and downs come all the time in life and I've had little set backs after that chapter but nothing was as serious and scary as that.

 We just need to keep fighting. Never give up and don't let something that has gone bad get over you.

Take care, Peace!
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Offline jzd24

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     You never cease to amaze me! You have had so many traumatic experiences, but you keep so positive. I find that remarkable. You are a great source of strength. Take care, Jean


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Jean, Namitha,

Thank you soooo much for your kind words.  :blush

Your support gives me more strength.  Thanks.

Each of us  are here to support each other. Even I am inspired by all of you, especially Danielle, who has and is going through a lot more than I.

Let's pray that Danielle and all of us remain safe n sound and continue to help each other out.

Take care, Peace!
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Offline namitha

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Hi Sajid and Jean,

We all derive strength from each other. As we read about other's experience, we are also filled with the fighting spirit. Sajid and Danielle are amazing! It takes guts to go through it all and remain unfazed.

Take care,

You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.

Max Ehrmann's Desiderata


Offline §ãJ¡Ð ساجد

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Hi Namitha,

I think I am just very lucky!

All that I've been through was a total painless experience with the most that happened to me was the coma that only felt like a short nap.

On the other hand I can cry like a baby in the slightest pain. You have been through a lot and I am really amazed at your courage. Seeing the hard cork ball and it's weight scares me of the pain if it hits me. I can't even think of going through the pain that you have suffered in that Femur fracture, screws and surgery. You are really brave!

I remember when I was a child I once broke my arm and once I broke my ankle; I cried like a baby. Everyone told me that it's gonna be o.k but the recovering period was so hard to me. I saw other kids in casts playing and jumping around while I was so scared and nursed it like if it was some kind of bomb and would explode if I moved or someone else touched it  :biggrin

Take care, Peace!
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