Thank you. Yes, she's feeling better, beat the infection

princessM was colicky from week 3 to week 14 of her life, so her crankiness now is almost unnoticed by us (she used to cry 9pm-1am every night). I had the hemo write a folic acid RX last checkup but have yet to start it; reason being is she was unable to tell me where I can get the liquid form.
Also, her fussiness diminished greatly when she started solids. I know it's a very controversial topic, whether to start baby on them before 6 months or not, but I discussed her behavior greatly with the pediatrician and he agreed that it was time to start them. I know it was the right decision for her; for the first time she's waking up from her naps not screaming in hunger. She also sleeps in 2-3 hour blocks at night which is a huge leap for her (and has allowed myself to regain some sanity lol)
Has BabyI started solids yet? When did they say they will transfuse her next?