is it ok to take multivitamins for a beta thal minor+iron def anemia?

  • 2 Replies
hi i need little gf has beta
thal minor+iron def.diognosed 3
months before and now she's
taking iron supplements as her
clinic gave.she is too skinny and i gave her some
multivitamin tabs,brand-Vitgen.but
its not recomended by a doctor.i
just gave it ok to her take
multivitamins? Or should we stop
it.she has taken 4 tablets then.

Re: is it ok to take multivitamins for a beta thal minor+iron def anemia?
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2013, 11:47:12 AM »
update- doc said her serum ferritin is ok.each multivitamin tablet that i explained above includes 10mg of it ok to take this vitamin suplements to her?

Re: is it ok to take multivitamins for a beta thal minor+iron def anemia?
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2013, 11:47:24 AM »
update- doc said her serum ferritin is ok.each multivitamin tablet that i explained above includes 10mg of it ok to take this vitamin suplements to her?


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