13 mos, post splenectomy.... Blood results***UPDATE****

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Offline CUSO

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13 mos, post splenectomy.... Blood results***UPDATE****
« on: March 26, 2014, 04:15:09 PM »
I am dragging along. My T is quite low because I had to stop due to liver hematoipiosis (my right side still aches a bit).

T total - 264
T Free - 31
T Bio  - 77
Albumin - 5.4

WBC - 11.7
RBC - 5.2
HGB - 11.5
HCT - 37
MCV - 71
MCH - 31
MCHC - 31
RDW - 23
PLT - 752 - This just wont come down

I have been taking wheatgrass every day for 2 months, Opti-men multivitamin everyday, and extra vitamin E..... At this point I think if I did low levels of T it would help a bit with HGB/RBC. Thoughts


Went to hematologist today. He seems happy that my platelets are holding at 750. After reviewing my mothers blood work, he now realizes my platelets may never come down. My mothers platelets are 750 and she has been taking hydroxeyurea for 5 years. He thinks and asprin will suffice for me for many years. He gave the ok to try low dose of T. Went to PCP after, he agreed to very low dose injectables . I start tomorrow. He will watch close and will not be affraid to do phlebotomy if he needs to to keep red cells low. I know there's nothing that I can do about it, but the platelet issue does make me worry. But the hematology is so unconcerned about the platelet level and just tells me then I am perfectly healthy.he has run every test on me, there is nothing in my bone marrow causing my platelets to be so high, but apparently genetics is causing this issue.
Andy, am I the most complicated thal minor ever?
« Last Edit: April 01, 2014, 11:22:56 PM by CUSO »


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: 13 mos, post splenectomy.... Blood results
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2014, 09:13:27 PM »
It may help but you also risk more extramedullary hematopoiesis by taking testosterone. I believe the high platelets must also be related to the excess bone marrow activity.

Are you on any treatment for Gilbert's syndrome? I realize your case is compounded by GS, so the typical advice may not be appropriate. I would normally say take a high dose of folate but that may stimulate higher production if platelets, too. Has adrenal fatigue been investigated?

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline CUSO

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Re: 13 mos, post splenectomy.... Blood results
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2014, 04:00:23 PM »
Andy, that is where I am confused. I did a bone marrow biopsy 2 mos ago and Dr said my marrow was producing perfectly


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