Andy, the reason I was told to avoid calcium, is that calcium binds to iron, and will cause you to become deficient. he doc said it was about proper food absorption. eat iron rich food with vita C and avoid calcium.....
Danny H. is there a such thing as a specific Thal doc? what specialist deals with this with more knowledge and abilites than the GP. my daughters ped. is very good to work with, but doesn't know everything. so if I ask for a specific blood test she will order it. and give me the results. unfortunately. it seems like they don't know what to do with the results...
her most recent blood tests will be in the mail today I hope. I will post them when they arrive.... she is 13 and so I cannot get the results directly they have to be mailed to her... stupid teen privacy nonsense... anyhow
thank you both for your replies... I am relieved actually to hear this could all be thal related and work to correct this. and I hope this means that hers will be similar to mine and will not be as severe as it could be....