2nd Annual TSF Conference, North Hollywood, California, April 21st, 2007

  • 10 Replies

Offline pdilorenzo

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Event Page Link: http://www.helpthals.org/events/2nd-annual-conference.htm

2nd Annual Thalassemia Support Foundation Conference
April 21st, 2007

Beverly Garland's Holiday Inn
4222 Vineland Avenue, North Hollywood, CA 91602-3399

The 2nd Annual Thalassemia Support Foundation Conference will be held on April 21st, 2007 at the beautiful Beverly Garland hotel located only a mile away from Universal Studios. The conference is directed toward Thalassemia patients, parents, and loved ones, as well as members of the medical community. The focus of the conference is to learn about recent advancements in Thalassemia care and to provide a unique opportunity to meet others who are affected by Thalassemia.

Current guest speakers include Dr. Elliott Vichinsky (CHO) and Dr. John Wood (CHLA). Additionally, there will be a psychosocial panel with Bryce Imbler, Laurice Levine, and others. More speakers and panelists are being scheduled, so please visit the event page regularly to receive updates on speakers, the event schedule, and registration.

Thalassemia Support Foundation:
The Thalassemia Support Foundation is a non-profit organization that was founded by patients, parents, and friends affected by Thalassemia. Our primary goal is to help improve the quality of life for all patients with this terrible disease. And with your help and support, we can make that a reality.


Offline pdilorenzo

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***UPDATE*** - 2nd Annual TSF Conference, April 21st, 2007
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2007, 02:04:15 AM »

The event page has been updated. The schedule of events has been posted as well as the invitation and registration form. You are now able to download, fill out, and send back the registration form to attend this wonderful conference. And, of course,

PATIENTS ARE FREE!!!   :biggrin

Discounts are available to people who register before March 21st, 2007


Offline Zadkhi

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Re: 2nd Annual TSF Conference, North Hollywood, California, April 21st, 2007
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2007, 10:00:11 AM »
Is there anybody from this site who's planning on attending?  :)

I'm going to try my hardest to attend this event and I can't wait!


On a somewhat tangential note, when it says that 'patients are free' do they mean all people who have any form of thalassemia?



Offline pdilorenzo

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Re: 2nd Annual TSF Conference, North Hollywood, California, April 21st, 2007
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2007, 10:46:31 PM »
Zadkhi, I hope you will be able to attend.  Should be very educational and a lot of fun. 

In regards to your question, patients include: Beta Thalassemia Major and Intermedia; Alpha Thalassemia Major, Hemoglobin H, Hemoglobin H - Constant Spring, and Homozygous Constant Spring.  If there is another form, please e-mail me privately and I will let you know.

Thanks!   :biggrin


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: 2nd Annual TSF Conference, North Hollywood, California, April 21st, 2007
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2007, 05:36:52 AM »
For those thinking of going to this conference but not sure about it, the two doctors speaking are two of the best thal specialists in the world. I met both of them in Dubai and the experience alone was worth it. I would greatly recommend that if you are on or near the west coast, that you make every effort to hear them speak. Meeting other patients and families only makes it better.  :biggrin

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: 2nd Annual TSF Conference, North Hollywood, California, April 21st, 2007
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2007, 08:00:31 PM »
Thanks, please i will like to participate in the event on .helpthals.org/events/2nd-annual-conference.htm pleasewil you book me down for the event please andcan i send all my informatrion to you so to make the book for me,awaiting inviation letter and comfirmation please can i send allmy information to you now so to make the book now thanks awaiting to hear from you.


Offline pdilorenzo

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Re: 2nd Annual TSF Conference, North Hollywood, California, April 21st, 2007
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2007, 06:58:06 AM »
Hi All,

Just as a quick clarification.  The invitation and registration form is online in pdf format.  (It is also attached to this message for your convenience).  Just go to the event webpage http://www.helpthals.org/events/2nd-annual-conference.htm and click the "Invitation & Registration Form" link.  The first two pages is the invitation with all the info.  The third page is the registration form.  Just fill out the whole registration form and send it back to us.  The address you send it to is:

Thalassemia Support Foundation
PO Box 26398
Santa Ana, CA  92799

If you would like to receive invitations to future events, please sign up to our mailing list online.  Make sure you put in all your information (especially address) so we can send you information in the future.


Paul DiLorenzo, President
Thalassemia Support Foundation
« Last Edit: February 09, 2007, 08:08:26 AM by pdilorenzo »


Offline pdilorenzo

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Early registration for our 2nd Annual TSF Conference is less than two weeks away, March 21st. Please make sure you send off your registration forms before then to take advantage of the lower rates.

Also, if you are a patient and are planning to go to the conference, please send in your registration form as early as possible. I know you are free, but letting us know you will be attending helps us get a better count for breakfast, lunch, and the reception.

Find out more at: http://www.helpthals.org/events/2nd-annual-conference.htm

Hope to see all of you there!


Paul DiLorenzo, President
Thalassemia Support Foundation

Hey Paul,

I will be there. Can you add me to the list?


Offline Zadkhi

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Hey Paul,

I will be there. Can you add me to the list?

I, along with 2 family members, will be in attendance as well!   :biggrin


Offline pdilorenzo

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***Dr. John Wood's Talk Online***
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2007, 05:22:31 AM »
Hi All,

I just wanted to let everyone know that the conference was excellent.  With over 80 patients, parents and medical community attending it turned out wonderfully.  I want to thank everyone for their support.

I updated the website.  I was able to get the Powerpoint presentation as well as the audio for each of the three speakers.  I just posted Dr. John Wood's talk on Pulmonary Hypertension and Good Cardiac Care.  An excellent talk!  You can see it at http://www.helpthals.org/events/2nd_Annual_Conference_Dr._John_Wood.htm.

I will post the remaining talks, articles, and pictures from the conference in the future.  Sign up to our mailing list on our website to keep up to date.


Paul DiLorenzo, President
Thalassemia Support Foundation
« Last Edit: June 05, 2007, 05:53:09 AM by pdilorenzo »


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