Carao: Has Anyone Ever Tried This Product?

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Offline Sharmin

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Re: Carao: Has Anyone Ever Tried This Product?
« Reply #195 on: October 23, 2008, 10:09:44 PM »

I received the Carao packages in the mail today. 



Offline Sharmin

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Re: Carao: Has Anyone Ever Tried This Product?
« Reply #196 on: October 23, 2008, 10:39:55 PM »
Lloyd, I am giving my son his first dose of Carao today.  I will update with each transfusion (every 4 - 5 weeks). 

1. Confirmation of delivery of the carao  -  October 23, 2008
2. Date when carao is begun - October 23, 2008
3. Dose given - 4 tsp with warm milk
4. Age and diagnosis of patient - 10 years, thalassemia major
5. Average hb before carao was begun (the last several blood test results, if available) - pretransfusion hg 90 - 100
6. Results of all hb tests done during or soon after the period of use of carao. Of course, the date of the test(s) must be included (hg at 4 weeks 103, hg at 5 weeks 90, hg at 5 1/2 weeks 88). 
7. Whether or not any other treatments were started during the period that carao was given - began B complex (50mg) October 25th. 
8. Any extra observations, such as observations on energy level and effects on the overall health of the patient

Thank you kindly for sending us the product and for this opportunity. 


« Last Edit: October 26, 2008, 05:11:31 PM by sharmin »


Offline Manal

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Re: Carao: Has Anyone Ever Tried This Product?
« Reply #197 on: October 29, 2008, 10:44:59 AM »
Hi Lloyed

I was expected to post the third update on my son on the first of November. I will have to postpone this for a couple because he is having a cold due to sudden change in weather. So iwill have the CBC by the mid of November.



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Re: Carao: Has Anyone Ever Tried This Product?
« Reply #198 on: October 29, 2008, 11:02:25 AM »
Lloyed, as for my update,

1. Confirmation of delivery of the carao: Just two bottles only, still i didn't receive the other two
2. Date when carao is begun - October 28, 2008
3. Dose given - 2 table spoons, my spoon is 10 ml
4. Age and diagnosis of patient - 35, thalassemia minor
5. Average hb before carao was begun on October 4: - HB is 10.9 - MCV 62 - WBCs count 3.200 - platlets 365,000
6. Whether or not any other treatmen  were started during the period that carao was given - : just a mutli vitamin centrum silver but not on regular basis sometimes i take apeppetite supression medication cause i am working on decreasing my weight


Offline Manal

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Re: Carao: Has Anyone Ever Tried This Product?
« Reply #199 on: November 03, 2008, 12:25:27 PM »
Hi Lloyd

1. Confirmation of delivery of the carao: Just two bottles only, still i didn't receive the other two

Today, i confirm receiving the other two bottles

Thanks you so much



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Re: Carao: Has Anyone Ever Tried This Product?
« Reply #200 on: December 15, 2008, 12:03:20 PM »
Hi Lloyd
I am extremely sorry for the delay. I did not have access to the net. It`s over a year since Hassan has been on carao(STARTED ON NOV 2007). I have been very regular with carao until the last couple of months. He has been quite sick the last couple of months with one infection after the other. Hassan is 2 1/2 years old, he had his first cough last month and his first cold this month. Although carao has not reflected anything positive on his hb, it is to be noted if it helps to increase immunity.


Offline Manal

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Re: Carao: Has Anyone Ever Tried This Product?
« Reply #201 on: December 15, 2008, 03:48:26 PM »
Hi Lloyd

We did the CBC for my son(3rd update after beginning the Carao), everything is just stable though he had a fever for 4 days in November
HB ...6.5
MCV ...53
Retix count 5.5%
Bilirubin 2.4 ( don't know why it is increasing)
WBCs count 10,000
Platlets 480,000

Concerning my update
Still the same as before no changes, but actually i take the dose at one time (20ml) cause i can not stand taking it twice a day because of the taste. Some days i feel very energetic , but too early to judge anything as it has been a month and half since i started

If you want to ask any questions, please feel free



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Re: Carao: Has Anyone Ever Tried This Product?
« Reply #202 on: January 04, 2009, 01:01:31 AM »
Dear Lloyd and everybody

I am extremely soooooooooo happy,i did a CBC today and for the first time since my son was diagnoised his Hb is 7.2  :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer I know some of you may think this is too low but for me i never saw this reading before

HB for January 7.2
MCV 53.4
bilirubin (total) 2
Retix count 6.4% ( i really don't understand this at all because when HB increase this count should decrease but with me it goes the opposite.....any explaination)
The only thing i am giving Ahmad beside the carao for the last 3 month was an extenssive course of supplements ( all what he was having deficiency in including zinc, vitamin A, gluthathione.... and others)


As for me, my HB increased from 10.9 to 11.3 and i feel good

Please feel free to ask any thing



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Re: Carao: Has Anyone Ever Tried This Product?
« Reply #203 on: January 04, 2009, 02:01:17 AM »

I am soooooo happy for both of you!!  I hope that Ahmad's hg remains 7.2 and above from now on!  I am glad that your hg is good too:) 

Sharmin  :cheer :cheer :cheer


Offline Manal

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Re: Carao: Has Anyone Ever Tried This Product?
« Reply #204 on: January 04, 2009, 02:22:27 AM »
Thanks dear, i too wish the same, actually i am afraid to be too happy.
Please God don't let him go down again


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Re: Carao: Has Anyone Ever Tried This Product?
« Reply #205 on: January 04, 2009, 04:52:50 PM »
That's wonderful Manal  :hugfriend My daughter is also taking carao,and her pre transfusion hb this time after 4 weeks was 9.5,which i believe isn't bad,right? I am supposed to keep her hb between 9 and 10,right?



Offline Manal

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Re: Carao: Has Anyone Ever Tried This Product?
« Reply #206 on: January 04, 2009, 11:43:54 PM »
Yes Zaini, you are right and my general obsevation is that the max benefit from natural sources like carao don't come at one time but they accumulate over tie so i think the more she takes the more her pre transfusion hb will increase inshallah



Offline PixieDust

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Re: Carao: Has Anyone Ever Tried This Product?
« Reply #207 on: June 08, 2011, 05:51:45 AM »
Dear friends

This thread seems interesting &  I landed here from a Google search. I'm a beta thal minor from Sri Lanka & my hb level won't pass 10, I'm a vegetarian & rarely eat fish. When I was a kid my parents used to force feed steak, liver etc and those days I had a long black hair. Ever since I became partly veg (fish + veg) around 15 years back my hair growth hindered & per day lot of hair falls out  :( I went to so many dermatologists, many medications such as hair re-growth formulas nothing controlled my condition to a noticeable extent.

One Indian dermatologist at Apollo hospital pointed that amount of blood circulation to the scalp really matters when it comes to a healthy hair cycle, if blood circulation is minimal because in my case (low hb) it can shorten the life cycle of hair roots, and cause the condition called telogen effluvium (healthy hair strands falling out due to lack of nutrition)

Although my energy level low as in any thal minor, I keep my mind steady & face day today work, but I'm not in a position to control my hair problem...

I would like to know if any of you (thal minors) had success with this natural supplement increasing your Hb levels at least to a minimum lower level...! If so I would like to give it a try.

Kind regards

Re: Carao: Has Anyone Ever Tried This Product?
« Reply #208 on: June 08, 2011, 01:20:59 PM »
There's a confirmed thal minor in Costa Rica whose HGB is maintained in normal range by carao.  Her name is Cinthya.  Some information on her case, with published blood test results, is at  Cinthya will answer your questions if you email her at  cinthyaaguero at (spam prevention: replace "at" with "@" and remove spaces). 

I am by the way the producer of the carao fruit product who sponsored the test of it for thalassemia a couple of years ago through this forum.  In hindsight, I was disappointed that so few thal minors tried it (only one, I think).  In my opinion it is probably very effective to raise blood values in most cases of thal minor.  For thal major, there have been reports of some benefit, but not dramatic.  For all the information I have collected for carao used in cases of thalassemia, including some reports from this forum, go here:


Offline PixieDust

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Re: Carao: Has Anyone Ever Tried This Product?
« Reply #209 on: June 09, 2011, 06:39:27 AM »
Hey there,

Thank you so much for the info & testimonials, I would like to give it a try but at the moment I cannot afford it on my own. Shipping cost to Sri Lanka itself is too much to bear personally :(

Highly appreciate if a Sri Lankan pharmaceutical company, medical practice, Doctor could look into the feasibility of adopting it. I hope clinical trial in India would have gone successful with sicker cell patients. Same way I hope this medicine, herbal extraction could be successful when it comes to Beta thalassemia minors & intermediates.

Maybe some organisation from Sri Lanka will land here someday... & show their interest in carrying out a clinical trial as in India  :rolleyes



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